Example sentences of "for a certain [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , it is possible that the Warnock Committee saw the surrogacy issue as a kind of scapegoat , whose condemnation would allow for a certain measure of acceptance of other technological advances in reproduction , such as in vitro fertilization .
2 It is interesting to see the raw material of event transformed into poetry , though this does make for a certain degree of repetition .
3 Allowing for a margin of error in fuel reserves , and for a certain degree of defensive manoeuvring to avoid missile sites and aircraft intercepts , 2000 miles was the maximum distance the Foxbat could cover without re-fuelling .
4 It is interesting to see the raw material of event transformed into poetry , though this does make for a certain degree of repetition .
5 Marriage calls for a certain degree of maturity .
6 In 1758 he published the following ‘ Verses occasion 'd by a barbarous Disappointment that the Author lately met with ; wrote extempore , and left for a certain Gentleman , at his House ’ :
7 On Good Friday 1958 the first march set out for Aldermaston , the atomic research establishment in Berkshire , under the CND symbol , a black circle forked with a white ‘ drooping cross ’ , the semaphore symbols for N and D , which became the membership badge not only for the campaign but for a certain kind of non-conformity among young people .
8 Finally , the view of style as manner : I mean by ‘ manner ’ the way in which a text , or an author 's work as a whole , or the work of a group of writers , or even a period of literature , may be distinguished by typical patterns of language-use , a repeated preference , for instance , for a certain kind of construction or a certain class of word .
9 The times had called for a certain mood but it was the genius of American cinema that it could harness the talents of actors and actresses whose every word and gesture rooted the films in the society for which they had been produced .
10 Erm for a certain treatment in October ninety two and ag also more recently , is that correct ?
11 Pattern recognisers are often quoted as producing correct results for a certain percentage of the time .
12 They say that as the meeting was drawing to its conclusion , everyone was waiting for a certain person to utter a few graceful words by way of a thank-you to the summit host , Mr Mitterrand .
13 If a significant departure appears for a certain chromosome , the chromosome can be examined in more detail and the position of the peak grain distribution related to the G-bands .
14 In Peart , the more authoritative case , the accused received a car from the victim when he had told him he wanted it for a certain journey .
15 This and his personal worries , which must have seemed without issue , were perhaps responsible for a certain reliance , though by no means dependence , on alcohol .
16 Selective means that you select those instruments which will give the maximum information for a certain performance , or during a change of performance .
17 This is where the sculptor might be expected to remain close to the original , though even here a Roman preference can be detected for a certain shape , or for an angle that increases the sentimental value of the copy .
18 These are prominently displayed in the reservations area or the reception office and enable the receptionists to see at a glance whether they can accept a booking for a certain date .
19 Where Keynes is concerned , they have long recognized his importance as an inspiration between the wars for a certain type of progressive , Lib-Lab politics : but few could pass an examination in Keynesian theory .
20 This can involve the whole car , where a market has a taste for a certain type ( such as four-wheel drives in America ) .
21 Most of us have experienced a strong , nearly uncontrollable urge for a certain type of food .
22 He could , Dalgliesh thought , have been judged an outstandingly handsome man were it not for a certain incongruity of feature , perhaps the contrast between the fineness of the skin stretched over the flat cheekbones and the strong jutting jaw and uncompromising mouth .
23 I therefore think that [ the ] motion is out of place at this time and that it is proposed for a certain purpose .
24 Consider , for example , the following beginning to an essay entitled " Foregrounding in King Lear " : In its most general interpretation , the word " style " has a fairly uncontroversial meaning : it refers to the way in which language is used in a given context , by a particular person , for a certain purpose .
25 Now I 'm suggesting that an evaluator might , instead of just concentrating on one set of values , deliberately try and look at several , so they might , for example , identify that there were a group of people who felt that history should be taught in a certain particular way for a certain purpose .
26 What influences them inside their heads to actually go for a certain destination .
27 Here the rules of the game were perfectly understood , including the need for a certain discretion in cases where the stability of the bourgeois family or property would otherwise have been threatened : passion , as every Italian of the middle class still knows , is one thing , ‘ the mother of my children ’ quite another .
28 She could hardly bear to think the thought , but it did seem to her that anyone who had lived for so many years with her mother could be excused for a certain lack of joie de vivre .
29 If I was outside , she said she could telephone me every day for nothing , if I gave her the number of a phone box and arranged to be there for a certain time
30 The Timer IC2 is connected as a monostable — that is , once triggered in this way the output , pin 3 , goes high for a certain time then reverts to low .
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