Example sentences of "for a short time " in BNC.

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1 The proportions reported to have had difficulty with various aspects of caring for themselves ( getting in and out of a bath or shower , dressing and undressing , going to the toilet , washing and shaving , feeding themselves , making a hot drink , or needing help at night ) for a year or more before death was 87 per cent of those who had been in a residential home for a year or more , 60 per cent of those in for a shorter time and 25 per cent of those who had not been in such a home at all .
2 The other factor that was related to assessments of quality of life was whether people had been in a residential home for a year or more or for a shorter time .
3 However , many excess mortgage allowance schemes run for a shorter time , for instance , for five or seven years .
4 However , there were two big differences : Whites had more in privately rented accommodation and had lived there for a shorter time ; these areas contained only 6 per cent .
5 Two years ago the same thing had happened , but for a shorter time .
6 Although you have to put up with the pain for a shorter time , you may not have any real build-up to it — suddenly , strong contractions hit you — so it 's difficult to pace yourself and put into practice the breathing exercises you rehearsed so carefully at antenatal classes .
7 When the Minister reviews the business regulations will he consider extending that review to the regulation of financial institutions , in view of the problems with the collapse of Guinness III and the potential collapse of Guinness II , and in view of the serious difficulty with fraud regulation at present , particularly now that only three people will be going to gaol for a shorter time than the whole of the Guinness trial was taken , with one of them , Mr. Ernest Saunders , whose sentence was reduced because of ill health , on the national media this morning in blooming health and protesting his innocence ?
8 After primary fermentation the beer is stored ( the German word is ‘ lagered ’ ) for a short time but rarely for the month or more that is standard abroad .
9 For a short time we got on without much difficulty , but we were soon obliged to have recourse to our hands and knees , and clamber thus from one crag to another .
10 Later still he became for a short time a professor at Cambridge .
11 I realised that that was an absurdity … after the evidence that India could not be part of the same political system , I still believed for a short time that an Empire of positions — that is to say the possession of points of communication around the globe — gave a significance to this country and a tenable and lasting position .
12 A peaceful calm settles across the Centre for a short time before the parade .
13 It is at the larva stage of their development when boring and feeding of the grubs takes place that the damage is caused because the adult beetles do not eat and they live only for a short time .
14 I was for a short time privileged to share in the joy and vitality and the oneness with Almighty God in his Luo people ( Anne Marie will gladly give a talk and show slides to any interested groups in the North West .
15 We do not know yet whether he wants to extend his visit for a short time to see friends , or become a student , or stay permanently . ’
16 When bought in large pieces , such hams may be further enhanced by baking for a short time in a hot oven with a glaze of either honey , ginger syrup , marmalade mixed with orange juice or fruit syrups .
17 The Americans and British , intent on not getting stuck in the town , wandered in and out talking of electricity and sanitation , then said they would send a few soldiers for a short time .
18 She had set off from Margate before eight o'clock and for a short time she fell asleep in his arms .
19 Mungo could not explain why but he felt a sense of release at being out of the village , if only for a short time .
20 Some diets are not successful at all but some are , even if only for a short time .
21 Some people manage to live in this virtuous way for a short time ; the very rare person for years .
22 Lifting very heavy weights can also raise your blood pressure considerably for a short time .
23 Educated at Eton and then sent to Europe to improve himself , he worked for a short time in various jobs in ‘ the city ’ before becoming an ADC to the Governor of Australia .
24 Whatever his standing with Catholics ( and for a short time it was high ) , he was set on a collision course with the representatives of traditional unionism and with no representative more so than Ian R. K. Paisley .
25 He considered this for a short time and concluded that he had to make a public stand for those things which he believed .
26 ‘ Three pounds for a short time , ’ she said , her voice hardening .
27 Goebbels 's rousing ‘ total war ’ speech on 18 February 1943 stirred the Party faithful again for a short time .
28 This was for a short time only ; I had suffered a significant loss , but not a life-threatening or total one .
29 She could not convince me at the time that anything bad could happen , now that I had finally ‘ solved ’ my eating problems , and for a short time I felt jubilant , relieved and ecstatic .
30 A similar state of affairs had existed only at the very dawn of coinage when , in a number of areas including Asia Minor or Athens , a variety of personal designs had appeared , perhaps implying that for a short time after its inception coinage was sometimes produced on the authority of prominent individuals rather than of the state .
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