Example sentences of "for the elderly [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It transferred responsibility for means-tested benefits for the unemployed to this national organization in 1934 , added similar benefits for the elderly to its responsibilities in 1940 , and added most other cash aid in 1941 .
2 There has already been a switch of emphasis away from sheltered housing for the elderly to other groups in special need , and what money has been available has been targetted to those areas which have not been well served in the past ( peripheral housing estates , remote areas and less attractive small towns ) , or to developments offering very special facilities ( eg sheltered housing for the elderly deaf ) .
3 For example , the local authorities implementing the Griffiths Report on Care in the Community ( 1988 ) are dependent on central government making the resources available to complete the changes from long-stay institutions for the elderly to community care .
4 You look at , they 've transferred all their long term N H S care for the elderly to private nursing homes .
5 Most of them do all they can for the elderly with their limited resources , but if your parent is badly in need of a telephone and there is no way of your managing to install it for her , you should bring every possible pressure to bear to produce some speedy action on his or her behalf ; for sudden illness , and the need for medical attention , does not wait for lengthy negotiations and committee work to rumble on indefinitely before it puts in an appearance.With very few exceptions , blaming individual social workers for delay in providing any particular service is usually an unfair and useless exercise , for they are only part of a large organisation and if things go wrong an approach to the local Director of Social Services is the best course of action .
6 Date Number of homes Number of beds 1987 169 5000 1988 200 7000 Approximately half of those homes say they offer some provision for the elderly with mental impairment .
7 Way back in 1979 the Timbury Report on services for the elderly with mental disability in Scotland endorsed the concept of joint planning involving both voluntary and statutory organisations .
9 The decision to produce a further supplement for continuing care units for the elderly with mental disability arose out of the recommendations of the Timbury Report which was published in 1978 and which recommended " the provision and management by the health service of continuing care unit accommodation for the elderly confused . "
10 Improving immunisation for young children and community services for the elderly with dementia will be targetted in Durham .
11 As consultant geriatrician in the department of medicine for the elderly at Edgware General Hospital , Ann Homer deals with patients over 75 who come in for respite services .
12 And an allocation of £800,000 has recently been made towards the cost of providing a 40-bed unit for the elderly at Aberdare general hospital .
13 North Yorkshire County Council yesterday confirmed the closure of a home for the elderly at Royal Crescent , Whitby .
14 A SURPRISE inspection of a home for the elderly at Loanhead , near Edinburgh , has revealed it was failing to comply with fire regulations .
15 THE operator of a residential home for the elderly at Moffat , in Dumfriesshire , has been accused in court of assaulting and causing unnecessary pain and suffering to two women , one now aged 93 and the other 84 .
16 Pat has got a second class going , for the elderly at the Newquay Day Centre ( where she is up against a simultaneously running Bingo session ) , and would now like to introduce a recreational and/or breathing class to her locality .
17 DOROTHEA RAMSEY was a pioneer in work for old people and one of the leading figures in establishing residential homes for the elderly during the Second World War .
18 Some of these are still in existence , and have resulted in flats being built for the elderly of the parish , and also housing for widows and daughters of clergymen .
19 There is greater awareness amongst those who work with and for the elderly of the ways in which we manufacture social and economic dependency .
20 ‘ A Christmas-shopping outing to East Kilbride was arranged for the elderly of the parish , with transport , tea and coffee laid on ’ .
21 Indeed , Thomson suggests that , in relative terms , today 's pensions are lower in value than support for the elderly through the mid-nineteenth century Poor Law .
22 I do n't want to hear any more nonsense about doing the county council 's job because the city already does lots of things for the county council concessionary fares for the elderly for example .
23 They will now be moved into one of the three remaining homes for the elderly on the city 's west bank and it is understood that staff will also be deployed at these units .
24 The private sector makes a major contribution in the field of elective surgery such as hip replacements and is now also a significant provider of long-term care for the elderly via the development of private residential and nursing homes ( see Chapter 8 ) .
25 General Household Survey data indicate that the major provider of care for the elderly in Britain is the family .
26 It also offers a limited number of places for the elderly in the community to attend as day clients .
27 They will also be able to supply you with a list of suitable short-term homes for the elderly in your area , to which your parent might consider going for a few weeks each year in order that you may have a holiday , if there is no other member of the family who could take over your responsibilities in your absence .
28 SERVICES for the elderly in Suffolk and Essex are threatened by Government reforms that take effect next month , according to council officers and a care provider .
29 For example , knowing how may people aged between fifty and sixty are alive today , together with knowledge about the death-rate of this age group and their state of health , enables the state to plan the number of places that may be needed in residential homes for the elderly in twenty years ' time , as well as the level of home help provision that will be necessary .
30 Their study of quality of care for the elderly in hospital , with specific reference to respite care , is illustrative of these types of surveys .
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