Example sentences of "for the development of " in BNC.

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1 Though it might be fanciful to assert that this passage heralds the arrival of Hercule Poirot on the literary scene , it is clear that the Digression prepares the way for the development of the whodunnit form , and particularly of the private detective , ‘ the righteous unraveller ’ , whose task it will be to solve the murder .
2 The arguments for the development of the media industries of regional cities has always had both economic and cultural aspects .
3 Then , after dealing with the Grand Slam Cup and explaining how he only went along with the idea after insisting that the event would also produce $2m for the development of the game in ‘ third world tennis countries , he went on :
4 Proposals for the development of a Taurus system have been under consideration for much of this decade .
5 In a decision which was widely predicted , Mr Patten has declared himself minded to uphold the view of the department 's inspectorate that Consortium Developments , representing several of the country 's major home-builders , had not made a sufficiently strong case for the development of 4,800 houses in what is an abandoned quarry and a conifer plantation .
6 The company has entered into a research agreement with the Royal Postgraduate Medical School for the development of polymers for Aids treatment .
7 On the morning I met Tim Waters to talk about Thresher 's plans for the development of its off-licences , few customers corresponded to the anticipated profile .
8 The localized system of medico-pedagogical influence on a child , in so far as it is differentiated in an institution for social education , ought to prevail to the extent that it is in accordance with the natural needs of the child and to the extent that it opens creative prospects for the development of the given structure — biological , social , and economic .
9 * The surplus of income over expenditure will help to neet the heavy expenditure planned for the development of further supportive housing facilities for the elderly and frail .
10 These basic proposals for the development of the hotel need not cost a great deal : Outside signage £2,000 medium term External planting £500 long term External furniture £1,500 short term Reception lighting £300 short term afé facility £2,500 long term Restaurant development £1,000 medium term
11 A team of experts hopes to create a blueprint for the development of countries moving from Communist control to the free market .
12 The strategic need for diversity and ultimately for the replacement of fossil fuels has been the driving force for the development of nuclear power in the U.K. In turn — since uranium reserves are finite — the efficient exploitation of nuclear power itself ultimately depends on the fast reactor .
13 The Global Strategy paper that they produced pleased Churchill , and it became the starting point for the development of British military strategy in the nuclear era .
14 Moreover , they saw a strong case for the development of amphibious forces , supported by the carrier groups , to seize points of entry for the fly-in of air-transported forces .
15 Out of it came the British Aircraft Corporation ( an amalgamation of Vickers and English Electric ) with the design contract , and Bristol-Siddeley with the responsibility for the development of the Olympus engine .
16 But it was a rather confused piece of reasoning as his article began by conceding that there is strong support for the development of labour policies in the North .
17 The other is to open the way for the development of working-class unity in Northern Ireland by organising the Party there .
18 In the first chapter I argued that the fact that the Scots settlers and the Irish natives were respectively Calvinists and Roman Catholics had profound consequences for the development of social conflict .
19 The presumption is not a logical postulate but is , rather , an empirical condition for the development of particular language games .
20 Dunn was brought in from Ford , where he was director of product development in 1983 ; he will be best remembered for the development of the Bentley Turbo R , now the company 's best-selling model .
21 As head of the first Indian mission in Europe , Pillai laid the groundwork for the development of the Indian Foreign Service .
22 The Council feel that SARU should concentrate on raising money for the development of rugby in the townships rather than spend it on overseas tours to countries which can not afford to finance the visits .
23 In the District , recognition of its Terminal courses in full or truncated form , provided new opportunities for expansion of its provision and were particularly attractive for the development of pioneering , exploratory adult education activity in towns and villages .
24 In Northamptonshire , Lee 's ostensible role was primarily for the development of Tutorial Classes and for co-operation with voluntary organisations .
25 Perhaps the most important single decision taken by the District during the twenties was to accept the Carnegie Trust 's offer to support financially the appointment of a tutor for the development of rural adult education .
26 When the Cassell Fund 's grant ended in 1930 , the Cambridge Board and the LEA jointly financed the scheme with Baker becoming a Board tutor for the development of rural adult education in the county .
27 With the appointment of Shearman as the Board 's resident tutor in Bedfordshire and Baker 's appointment to a similar post for Cambridgeshire for the development of rural adult education , the Board 's rural areas sub-committee had emerged as a de facto permanent committee of the Board — a position constitutionally confirmed in 1932 through its formal designation as the Board 's Rural Areas Committee with Professor Barker as its chairman .
28 For them , linkages with the Cambridge Board represented an attractive partnership between academic altruism of the university and pragmatic local authorities for the development of educational opportunities for adults .
29 Significantly , he also became responsible for the development of the Board 's Chapter III provision in rural areas .
30 It appeared that the expedient solution proposed by the District in 1930 for the Bedfordshire scheme had led to a further concession in Cambridgeshire in 1932 and by 1937 had been developed into a strategy for the development of adult education in rural areas for which the Board ‘ … visualised the Rural Areas Scheme as an eight counties one ’ .
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