Example sentences of "for the [adj] future " in BNC.

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1 And what if Mr Ashdown gets his way : a coalition government later this month which introduces electoral reform and thus commits Britain to more coalition governments for the indefinite future ?
2 Flowers concluded with a much-quoted dictum : ‘ There should be no commitment to a large programme of nuclear fission power until it has been demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that a method exists to ensure the safe containment of long-lived , highly radioactive waste for the indefinite future . ’
3 There is the irony : that , just when British Empirical Socialism had come to terms with the idea of a mixed economy , when it had accepted that for the indefinite future a public sector and a private sector would co-exist , when the tangle of objections which the Webbs had seen to the development of a privately-owned industrial co-operative sector had been so far cleared away as to open the path to a natural growth of industrial democracy by a means which , because it reconciled the rights and interests of labour with those of ownership , would have been sustainable , the Labour Government ignored or overlooked the opportunity .
4 Anyway , we 're here for the indefinite future and I 've been given the job of furnishing the hotel .
5 We have , just in this fact , an argument that if we had to choose one of the two strategies for the indefinite future we would do better to choose pragmatism , because it is so much more adaptive .
6 Such a dream , if it is realisable at all , is certainly one for the far future .
7 The other end is where there is a strong culture and willingness to integrate the client in the business , put more than one consultant on a search assignment and make sure that all the consultants work together for the long-term future of the business .
8 ‘ As for the long-term future , we will ensure the Cashline network grows and meets the demand of our customers whilst operating profitability , ’ said Nigel .
9 An important product , Retardmac , is coming under increasing pressure due to the Government 's desire for permanent re-instatement of roads after patching and this does not bode well for the long-term future of the product .
10 In gratefully acknowledging the Association 's support of the Appeal , Sir Thomas outlined the progress made to date and gave details of planned events for the immediate future .
11 Soviet subsidies to Vietnam ended in late 1990 , and the American embargo — which includes a veto on IMF loans to Vietnam — looks set to stay for the immediate future .
12 I believe that , while we have a strong Conservative Government , that is reason for optimism for the immediate future . ’
13 And it is a strange type of socialism which sees the prospect of five more years of Thatcherism as ‘ reason for optimism for the immediate future ’ .
14 Professionals and local authority employees are still moving to jobs in one of the most sought-after parts of Britain , but the blockbuster moves — 600 in the Lloyds retail banking arm into the Bristol area in 1989-91 , and 100 British Aerospace workers into the Plymouth region recently — are probably over for the immediate future .
15 Figures , the human body in motion or at rest , would be his prime material for the immediate future .
16 ‘ Prospects for the immediate future ca n't be good , ’ reflected Andy Thompson , secretary of the Finance & Leasing Association .
17 While this company-suggested compromise seemed likely to settle the waste issue for the immediate future , another threat to Raybestos ' operations had entered the scene the previous month , a threat that was finally to end Raybestos 's operations in Ireland .
18 For the immediate future his influence contracted and was conspicuous only among the small group of monks who were his heirs in following his manner of prayer and meditation , and in collecting his works and his words .
19 It was the discussion of the contemporary civilization phase of Faustian Culture and his prophecies for the immediate future which gave Spengler his notoriety .
20 However , the firm says its international operations will not be affected by these measures and no further job losses are planned for the immediate future in the US .
21 The management options for the immediate future have been considerably constricted by recent developments .
22 In the event , not one of these possibilities for the immediate future materialized and a period of balance emerged in which the three principal southumbrian kingdoms — Kent , Wessex and Mercia — existed in a state of political equilibrium and the stability of Kent and Wessex was in striking contrast to the volatility of the recent past .
23 Any new planting was designed to be phased in over a period of years , planting schemes having to take account of the need to create a distinctive landscape for the immediate future as well as for the long term .
24 It is an action plan for the immediate future , representing the operational and tactical end of the corporate planning chain .
25 While no further meeting is planned for the immediate future , the Department maintains regular contact with the SMMT at all levels .
26 The prospects for the immediate future are bleak .
27 Mr Ebbert warned that the company would have to continue operating at reduced output levels for the immediate future even though he saw a modest improvement in total UK new car sales this year perhaps up about 7pc to 1.7 million .
28 Now for the immediate future , and the various centenary celebrations which begin this weekend .
29 Yes , Chairman , can I say that erm , when the b the budget 's in the process of formulation and we 're discussing the question of balances and reserves and how they should be marked for the immediate future , particularly in regard to the way that er , reorganization may take place at police authorities in the very near future , and also those of us who are on this , on , on other committees who 've had experience in , and the same sort of thing happening in further education for instance , where immediately the assets , before even the regulations were put on the table , the assets of all these things were , all these er , erm , coll the further education colleges were frozen so we could n't do anything with them at all as an Authority , and er , actually many of them were taken from us without er , without any question at all .
30 British Rail are to remain the employer of the British Transport Police for the immediate future , in order to ensure that the British Transport Police will continue to police the whole of the restructured railway er a an order amending the British Transport Police Force Scheme in nineteen sixty three will be laid before Parliament shortly .
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