Example sentences of "for control the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The government are prepared to consider alternative arrangements for controlling the budget of the C & AG , but the implications for the staff of the E & AD would need to be considered .
2 Hearsay-II 's blackboard architecture was designed to allow experimentation with the number and type of knowledge sources , as well as with strategies for controlling the knowledge processing .
3 Thus a word can store any information that can be coded in the form of an appropriate number of binary bits : such a piece of information might be a numeric value , a group of one or more characters , or ( as we shall see later ) an instruction for controlling the computer .
4 A good example of this is ICL 's LOCATOR fault diagnosis system , which wraps Guide together with ( a ) a system that logs fault reports from customers , and ( b ) a system for controlling the dispatch of engineers to fix faults .
5 The United Nations Development Programme , the World Medical Association , and the Council of Europe are other examples of transnational organisations which are providing guidelines for controlling the spread of AIDS and offering strategies for collaboration in caring for people who are infected .
6 Focusing on the novelty of Japanese inventory control can however divert attention from the fact that kanban is ‘ primarily a method of achieving process change and only secondarily as a method for controlling the flow of materials ’ ( Lee , Sang and Schwendinan 1982 p. 149 ) .
7 Having for ten years owned and managed one of the most successful econometric consultancy companies in the world ( then called Economic Models Limited ) , I became increasingly disabused of notions for controlling the flow of economic events against their natural movement .
8 Unlike HARPY , HWIM and Hearsay-II were faced with the problem of specifying explicit schemes for controlling the flow of information between knowledge sources .
9 Having said that , this season has seen the best conditions for controlling the weed for some time .
10 Elsewhere entomologists have detected genes for susceptibility to the commonly used insecticides , and also genes for controlling the refractoriness of mosquitoes to malaria parasites .
11 Obviously the indicated similar remedy is still chosen on the same principles as before but choice of potency , up to now our main variable factor for controlling the response to the remedy , is not such an issue when using the LM 's .
12 But there is obvious weakness in a system for controlling the government which can only be activated by a member of that government .
13 Thus , the CLI acts in many ways like a programming language for controlling the way the computer functions .
14 Indeed Holt saw it as a mechanism for controlling the curriculum and even went so far as to suggest that the staff of the APU were concerned to promote desirable curriculum development .
15 It also has the responsibility for controlling the money supply , which largely consists of bank deposits .
16 Even if a policy of controlling the money supply may be optimal at present , if previously held relationships break down under rapid financial change , then the rationale for controlling the money supply may disappear .
17 The cards were described by the judge as a " manner of manufacture " because he thought that a punched card was analogous to a cam for controlling the cutting path of a lathe .
18 The defendant had produced a program called " Oscar " , a job scheduling program for controlling the order in which tasks are carried out by a computer .
19 Participants from the former Soviet republics attended for the first time on Nov. 23-24 a meeting in Paris of the 17-member Co-ordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls ( COCOM — once primarily a forum for controlling the acquisition of sensitive Western technology by the Soviet Union and its allies ) .
20 First , RENFE was a strategic element in defence planning and , more importantly , in the military 's contingencies for controlling the population and assuring internal ‘ security ’ .
21 This in turn must lead to a single ‘ compensatory ’ and complementary fiscal and taxation authority and thus to the surrender by the nation states of the means for controlling the material well-being and destiny of their citizens .
22 Equipped with this rule and with knowledge of what are important events , the animal seems to be well set up to acquire the ability to use initially meaningless environmental cues as predictors of what will happen , and initially haphazard acts as instruments for controlling the environment .
23 According to Brazilian law the responsibility for controlling the sale and the use of mercury lies with the national institute for the environment , IBAMA and in theory these controls are very strict , all importers and dealers are supposed to be registered , and the use of mercury in any process and in whatever quantity , how ever small , requires an official permit .
24 In the Keynesian era from 1945 to the end of the 1960s , fiscal policy was seen as the major weapon for controlling the economy .
25 For several years their task was to open and close the trap doors which were essential for controlling the circulation of air , then at about the age of twelve they moved on to pushing the underground wagons .
26 LIFESPAN is particularly useful for controlling the design stage since the actions emanating from design reviews can be expressed simply and clearly in terms of modifications to specified modules and packages .
27 It is vital for temperature control , for cleanliness , for waterproofing and for controlling the scent-signalling of the feline body .
28 Not only will this worsen the symptoms of ‘ jet-lag ’ and any problems associated with shift-work but also it impairs the effectiveness of many systems which are responsible for controlling the body .
29 ‘ Peacekeeping ’ , that euphemism for controlling the city street , depended in part on fear .
30 Many experiments were done to decide who should have responsibility for controlling the sound ; but eventually it all came down to the engineers , assisted by meters and ( most important of all ) a keen musical sense .
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