Example sentences of "for both [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To produce this picture a computer program included a specification for both the position of the eye ( the view-point ) and the plane on to which the three-dimensional configuration is projected .
2 Ecosystem was a term proposed by the plant ecologist A.G. Tansley in 1935 as a general term for both the biome which was ‘ the whole complex of organisms — both animals and plants — naturally living together as a sociological unit ’ and for its habitat .
3 Whilst we may all have our own ideas about how far accounting is an art or a science , hopefully the book and the exercises will provide the basis for a stimulating debate on the issue for both the students and for the lecturers .
4 We may note that , for both the matrices A and B , unc we may therefore construct the canonical forms directly from unc We now revert to ( 10 ) ; if for convenience we denote the columns of X by unc respectively , then as we have said above , only x1 and x3 are eigenvectors ; they make unc and unc vanish , and are each unique to a scalar multiplier .
5 Within these rural areas there seems to be a definite preference in favour of not only smaller towns ( i.e. those below 50,000 people ) but also villages , for both the periods 1961–71 and 1971–81 , and for both the USA and England and Wales as shown in Table 5.2 .
6 When I was at college I did a pastiche of the student magazine , doing the fold , and it was called Shell , so we renamed it for that one issue Rolling Shell , and I ever so carefully did the lettering for both the title boxes , then I got really disappointed when it came to set the type for the front page article underneath the big photograph which we printed as duo tone , because I could do it on the I B M — I could actually do it in Times and I thought it was going to be really , you know , I 'd have to really struggle and find
7 The inclusion of a Tallmantz B–25 cameraship would have done much for both the dogfights and the other air-to-air formation shots .
8 This procedural tactic was the burial ceremony of the EDC , and a setback for both the plans for a more effective Western defence system and the hopes and ambitions for a more united Europe .
9 As a location for drama production , the City of Birmingham and the region has an unrivalled tradition for both the popularity of the series produced , and originality of the subject matter portrayed , for example EMPIRE ROAD , GANGSTERS , SECOND CITY FIRST , ANGELS ( all BBC ) , CROSSROADS , MUCK AND BRASS , BOON , SOLDIER , SOLDIER , ( Central Television ) .
10 Important work is also progressing in the recognition of engineering drawings for both the lines of the drawings and for text found on the diagrams ( Waite , 1989 ; Dori , 1991 ; Lysak and Kasturi , 1991 ) , and of musical notation ( Fahmy and Blostein , 1991 ) .
11 I shall return in the last part of this book to discuss the realistic potential for both the renewables and conservation in more detail and within a non-nuclear energy policy .
12 We therefore observe that , with a real wage rate w 1 , the tangency solution of conventional price theory yields values for both the profit maximizing level of output , , and the demand for labour , , for the representative firm .
13 After hearing of the youngster 's plight , charity group Help International 's local representative , Mike Whiting , of Woolton , Liverpool , set about raising £5,000 to pay for both the boy 's flight to Britain and medical treatment .
14 This has important ramifications for both the style in which they are written and the claims to truth that they are making .
15 Artichaut sauce vinaigrette it was for both the girls .
16 Second , it can be concluded for both the UK ( Best , 1976 ) and for the EEC ( Best , 1979 ) that although there are major differences within countries , notably in the relative areas devoted to woodland and urban land , that there is a common pattern of land loss to both urban use and woodland as shown in Figure 8.1 .
17 Failure to do this would have created serious problems for both the generation of a reliable multiplier factor and comparability between the two samples .
18 The subjects were allotted to three arbitrarily defined categories for both the sweat spot test score ( >11 , 11–9.5 , <9.5 ) and the percentage number of abnormal subareas ( 0 , 0–0.033 , >0.033 ) .
19 These removed the residue of barium and all faeces and ensured a clear view for both the investigations and the operation .
20 A newly retired further education teacher who had worked for both the Home Office as a prison instructor and for a local authority as a teacher of technical subjects , applied for two part-time jobs .
21 Easily Accessible : Banbury lies on the edge of the Cotswolds and is therefore ideally situated for walking , but it is probably best known for both the nursery rhyme ‘ Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross , To see a fine lady , upon a white horse ’ and for its special cakes made from a 300-year old recipe .
22 He therefore experiences no difficulty in writing a history for both the Greeks and the Romans .
23 Such a re-evaluation requires a debate on issues of central importance for both the professionals and researchers involved .
24 Make sure potential clients appreciate the range of our services for both the ladies ' and gentlemen 's facilities .
25 This meant a heavy involvement at senior management level and a heavy workload for both the Computer Services Division and the new Payroll/Personnel Departments in order to implement and operate a system which had such a radical effect on the organisation and administration of payroll and personnel records .
26 In each case , I do so for both the tutors and the learners , even though their needs do not really differ so much .
27 ‘ Dr Traber added that ‘ for both the media and the theologians , the problem of how to see the world with new eyes should be tackled first by a removal of ideological blinkers which have been worn for so long . ’
28 The prison offers a mixture of straight employment and trade training courses , together with the many jobs which are essential to the daily running of an institution : cleaners , cooks , maintenance parties for both the buildings and the grounds .
29 Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania-based Transarc Corp will begin shipping its Distributed Computing Environment and Encina transaction processing monitor for SunSoft Inc Solaris 2.1 and 2.2 from next month — the development kits for both the environments have been available for over a year .
30 Whether they be called Acknowledgements , Fore-words , Prefaces or Introductions , these preambles can be very instructive for both the reader who is ( still ) uncertain about the usefulness of a history book and also the reader who is already committed to reading sections of it .
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