Example sentences of "was [adv prt] [prep] date " in BNC.

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1 Most of the country 's fertility clinics were listed , although none of the catalogues was up to date .
2 Er mainly because in the past they did n't have the proper equipment to do the work that they were engaged on anyway , and although their own minds would clearly tell them that they would identify the work with certain equipment you know , that was up to date and you know , would make life easier for them and be able to produce more , I think some of them er er their minds were overshadowed by the fact that er there was a degree of mistrust between them and the management , that they would ever get the proper equipment to do the job .
3 Mr Crumwallis , satisfied that it was up to date , handed it to Mike Pumfrey , who inspected it in silence .
4 So I would agree with what Tom said on the sort of , things , yeah , you know , knock that together , we 've got that on one piece of paper already that 's about two years out of date , well , was up to date two years ago , which I could probably dig out for you , and then erm we 've got , we can even do it from a European sort of view point , which just has a few things there that need taking up .
5 She was doing well at college , all her work was up to date and she did n't seem at all under pressure .
6 I mean the book itself is just published last , er Thursday I believe it was , and er so it was up to date , is up to date until the summer , which is you know more up to date than any other book , so it 's got things like : Greta Garbo dying , and Princess Eugenie being born and Nelson Mandela being free , and of course it 's the first encyclopaedia to have all the details of nineteen eighty nine , the , the upheaval in , in Europe , all the political changes and whatever .
7 ‘ I thought the idea of a fixed IQ rating was out of date now , that the latest reports from educationists say you ca n't measure it exactly . ’
8 He was out of date there .
9 House suggests that the reliance on rationality leading to objectivity that dominated early responses was out of date :
10 They said it was out of date and that I should get a Parrot jacket like the one Adam Faith wears on telly .
11 Narrative is suddenly , and once again , the blood and guts of fiction , and Waugh 's remark that ‘ the exuberant men are extinct ’ was out of date even as he wrote , though only just .
12 Probably even by that time the whole policy was out of date ; but it did not seem so to the monks of Canterbury , nor to Anselm himself .
13 Inevitably , however , cases would occur when the information was out of date , if the owner had recently died or disposed of the property or , if a woman , had changed her name by marrying .
14 It was Sunday , she was expecting a detective , the timetable at the cafe was out of date .
15 I 've personally had problems with one doctor cos he was out of date , he was n't you know , was n't aware of some of the treatments and I had to actually enlighten him to some of the the treatments that was available for people !
16 Ho and how did you know he was out of date ?
17 His was out of date .
18 The person who called me a positivist went on to add that everyone knew that positivism was out of date — another case of refutation by denigration .
19 You do n't seriously think I 'd drive around knowing that my insurance was out of date ?
20 Now you know why my insurance was out of date .
21 You know , I think the thing was that he was out of date , and by the time he wrote the second book he knew it .
22 As the Select Committee pointed out , last year 's autumn statement was out of date by March .
23 Everything they had was out of date and food was in very short supply .
24 He said the language used by Mr Major was out of date : ‘ I ca n't believe that is the right approach , that is old thinking .
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