Example sentences of "was [adv] relate to " in BNC.

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1 Preliminary analysis of these questions suggested that dissatisfaction with six of the organizations was importantly related to preparedness to break the law : the press , local government , the civil service , banks , the police and the local doctor .
2 According to Mr Zelmer , most of the difference in costs between Xerox and its competitors ‘ was fundamentally related to not doing things right first time ’ , the costs of having to rework assembly line errors and rectify faults in finished goods .
3 The subsequent development of the jaw enabled the vertebrates to exploit a wider range of lifestyles than were available to the jawless fish , and it would not be too gross a generalization to say that much of the evolution of the vertebrates was intimately related to things that happened to jaws .
4 This raised the question of what policy the Comintern ought to adopt towards such movements , which in its turn was intimately related to the security concerns of the fledgling Soviet state .
5 If it were not known that pupil-dilation was intimately related to neurological functioning of the brain its absence in some cases of head injury might go unremarked ; but once its significance is appreciated , such a seemingly slight symptom assumes drastic importance .
6 The emergence of the stream-of-consciousness novel at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries was obviously related to a huge epistemological shift in culture at large , from locating reality in the objective world of actions and things as perceived by common sense , to locating it in the minds of individual thinking subjects , each of whom constructs their own reality , and has difficulty in matching it with the reality constructed by others .
7 Its length was entirely related to the fact that it contained good news and , once again , Opposition Members did not want to hear it .
8 This suggests that the constant complaints of their social superiors , that the poor 's expenditure was irrationally related to their incomes , were not simply class prejudice .
9 In brief : Salha was directly related to five of the seven households whose girls were in the first cohort , and her acceptance of the headmaster 's plans was influential in persuading the mothers of the girls that they should agree .
10 The French novelist Honoré de Balzac was convinced that the quality of his writing was directly related to the amount of sperm he retained in his body .
11 One can imagine a situation where a ministerial decision to follow a particular line of action or a government initiated economy , possibly relating to the provision of modern navigation aids like radar , was directly related to the cause of an accident .
12 Question directly relating to that point though is it not true that the Eastern Arts withdrawal of the ten thousand pound grant last year was directly related to criticisms made in both in the nineteen eighty six appraisal and subsequently and repeated both to The Star recently what with was that the marketing of the playhouse was drastically inadequate .
13 For a lord 's status was directly related to the size of following he could support , and the larger his entourage the more frequently he had to move from estate to estate to feed them .
14 The group claimed the trial was directly related to corruption cases raised in the House ; before his arrest , Shbeilat had been head of a House committee on corruption .
15 The Israeli delegation claimed that they had been assured by Egypt that members of the PNC , which it claimed was directly related to and controlled by the PLO , would not be present in the negotiating room .
16 He found that the bats ' activity was clearly related to the air temperature , but also that at certain times of year they were crucially influenced by the street lights ( Holarctic Ecology , vol. 14 , pp 203–7 ) .
17 It was clearly related to the Lombard style of Northern Italy owing to the political links between the two countries under the Holy Roman Empire .
18 This pessimism may have some truth given the present management approach within our schools but it is suggested here that if that managerial frame of reference was itself to be radically re-oriented , then teachers ' perceptions of their own professionality would also be powerfully affected and they may indeed come to feel that effective classroom activity was positively related to their performance in the wider school context .
19 In this case , the test factor was positively related to both the variables .
20 The rate of progression of urinary albumin excretion from the placebo period to the last three months of follow up was positively related to the difference between filtration fractions at time 0 and time 12 months ( r '=0.50 , p=0.026 for all patients ; r '=0.48 for enalapril group ; r '=0.54 for hydrochlorothiazide group ) ( fig 3 , right panel ) .
21 I do not believe , whatever I may mean by God , that it could be said of God that God was differently related to one age or people than God is related to all ages or people .
22 This was probably related to the Beida poster campaign , but a ‘ victory ’ could not be claimed until the promises were actually fulfilled .
23 The authors thus concluded that the excess mortality noted for gastric cancer was probably related to socioeconomic class rather than coal mining .
24 However , 188/730 26% ( 22.6% to 28.9% ) of responders had A level qualifications or their equivalent ( fig 2 ) compared to 19% of the general population , and this was also related to symptom score , the mean in those with A levels being 2.26 , and without 2.44 ( difference 0.053 to 0.287 ) .
25 The proportion of subjects with coronary heart disease or who died during follow up was also related to periodontal class ( table II ) .
26 Announcing the government 's decision , Indian Ministers insisted that it was solely related to their wish to proceed without outside interference , and claimed that the project would go ahead , and would meet or exceed the standards set by the Bank .
27 Through his great-grandfather , Alfonso IX of Leon , he was distantly related to Edward I 's first wife , Eleanor of Castile [ q.v. ] : a connection which may have promoted both the marriage of Henry 's sister , Isabella , to Edward 's supporter , John de Vescy ( died 1289 , q.v. ) , in 1279 or 1280 , and Henry 's own entrée into English affairs in 1297 , when he was made a knight of the royal household .
28 Rolt was distantly related to Kyrle Willans , the son of Peter Willans , inventor of the enclosed vertical central valve steam engine , and himself a mechanical engineer .
29 The mother 's behaviour was often related to how the child had behaved , but there were long aggressive interchanges which were often the only predictable interaction that the mother and child demonstrated ( Wahler et al .
30 Yes , erm very , very quickly , erm I notice that the swimming pool and river bathing visits had more than doubled , I just wondered what the cause of that was , and whether in fact it was mainly related to the swimming pools or to the river bathing bit erm places , and the second one is , regarding the noise , I notice that it has shot up , the number of visits to seven twenty one , but in fact , the prosecution 's only gone up to one , and I wondered if Mr Fenn could tell us whether in fact because of the higher profile that had been given to this erm activity , due to its possible cut , whether in fact more people are aware of it and there were more
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