Example sentences of "was [verb] responsible for " in BNC.

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1 He was made responsible for marine operations , an area of the business totally new to him .
2 All eight members of the board of the Corporation were appointed by the Governor , and a director was made responsible for the day-today management of the service .
3 On the line 's completion in 1841 Gooch was made responsible for the construction of branch lines to Heywood , Oldham , Halifax , and Ashton-under-Lyne .
4 In the following year he was made responsible for the new shrine which Henry III was beginning for Edward the Confessor .
5 An NPP Operations Manager , Mr. Yankov , was made responsible for its completion and he quickly identified a co-ordinator and a full list of authors .
6 Thereafter ( i ) the Foreign Affairs portfolio was taken by de Maizière ; ( ii ) Health Minister Jürgen Kleditzsch took responsibility for Labour and Social Affairs ; ( iii ) Education and Science Minister Hans-Joachim Meier took responsibility for Research and Technology ; ( iv ) Lothar Engel was made responsible for Trade and Tourism ; ( v ) Hans-Jürgen Niehof took responsibility for Posts and Telecommunications ; and ( vi ) Kauffold was replaced by Gottfried Haschke at the Ministry of Food , Agriculture and Forestry .
7 Vito Lattanzio , Italian Minister for Civil Protection , was made responsible for emergency measures and on March 9 the food and shelter supplied by central government began to reach Brindisi .
8 Hanrott was made responsible for the first ‘ Council ’ visits , at which they saw some quite ‘ unsuitable environments ’ , information from these visits being fed at first into the subject boards rather than into the Council itself' .
9 Each sector was made responsible for its net revenue results ; previously , there had been no responsibility for overall profit and loss below the level of the chief executive .
10 A feud between the Medellín and Cali cartels was thought responsible for the massacre of 22 workers on a ranch near Cali on Sept. 25 .
11 To give an example , a company was found responsible for a hoist accident at a power station in Kent in 1978 in which four people died and five were seriously injured .
12 ( That the government was ready for a strike was a widespread interpretation of its appointment of Ian MacGregor to chair the NCB from September 1983 on ; MacGregor chaired British Steel in 1980–1 , a period encompassing its major dispute , and was believed responsible for the major cuts in job levels ; it was assumed that he was expected to achieve the same in the coal industry . )
13 The Revolutionary Tupac Amarú Movement ( MRTA ) was believed responsible for a car bomb which exploded outside the residence of the US ambassador during the night of Feb. 11-12 , killing three policemen and injuring several other people .
14 The mafia was believed responsible for the killing on March 12 of Salvatore Lima , a member of the European Parliament ( MEP ) and an associate of Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti .
15 Extra police were called in , and Jane was held responsible for everything .
16 If a section was held responsible for an offence ( as it was if someone outside the section was offended ) the victims would hold the section responsible ; but even though the section shaikh made the peace , he had no power to collect from the lineages in his section : he had to get the agreement of the lineage shaikhs , and they then collected from their members .
17 The general opinion was that the court was ‘ vulgar and in bad taste ’ , but interestingly enough it was not the King who was held responsible for this state of affairs .
18 The cattle owner was held responsible for any damage done by his animal .
19 Subsequently , in 1899 , Carter was offered the position of Inspector General of Antiquities for Upper Egypt , but his post with the Egyptian Antiquities service came to an abrupt end when he was held responsible for a near diplomatic incident in which disgruntled French tourists assaulted some guards at a site .
20 It was Diana who was held responsible for the steady stream of royal staff who had left their service during the last eighteen months and it was the Princess who was accused of forcing Charles to abandon his friends , change his eating habits and his wardrobe .
21 The measure had been strongly opposed by powerful interest groups ( including the chaebol , the large conglomerates which dominate the country 's economy ) and its imminent imposition was held responsible for the recent removal abroad of funds from the Korean stock exchange .
22 The organization carried out a bank robbery in Castellón on July 12 which was thought to have provided it with the means to launch a new offensive , and was held responsible for wounding two Army officers in Madrid on Dec. 13 and Valencia on Dec. 15 , for killing a police officer in Barcelona on Dec. 18 and for killing two Civil Guards in Gijón , northern Spain , on Dec. 28 .
23 Union des populations camerounaises ( UPC — Union of Cameroonian Peoples , operating latterly as a Paris-based clandestine organization , having been banned since 1960 ; it was held responsible for unrest in the 1960s and was regarded as communist-led ) .
24 The LTTE was held responsible for a car bomb in the capital , Colombo , which killed 11 people , a bus bomb in Ampara which killed 25 , and ambushes near Trincomalee and Batticaloa where 20 people were killed .
25 Mutalibov , President of Azerbaijan from May 1990 , resigned in March 1992 but was returned to office briefly in May after his successor Yagub Mamedov was held responsible for Azeri defeats in the disputed Armenian enclave of Nagorny-Karahakh .
26 That mild man , a touch of his native Somerset showing through , had been quite knocked sideways , so he said , to learn that he was held responsible for ramifications to the matter that other men had deliberately kept from him .
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