Example sentences of "was [verb] to see [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd see both these birds in the zoo , so I was fascinated to see them in the wild .
2 I for one was heartened to see us just going out there and enjoying ourselves , despite going down by eight goals to one .
3 When I said she did n't , he rang for his chauffeur and told me he was going to see her and asked if I wanted to go with him .
4 On the days he was going to see her , he woke up feeling that anything was possible , that the world was his for the asking .
5 But now he was going to see her in the flesh .
6 ‘ That I was going to see you . ’
7 But he cancelled his trip to England at the last minute and pretended he thought I was going to see you in your show and might as well hand you the invitation at the same time . ’
8 One of his men was waiting to see him , there was a telephone call , a customer was asking for him , and the receptionist was getting agitated .
9 He was waiting to see you and fully expecting you would be there .
10 ‘ Angy and I had supper together on the Monday evening but she never said that girl had been here , or that Rick was corning to see her . ’
11 During this session the rapport between her and the therapist appeared to have deteriorated , and the therapist thought this was because Pamela was beginning to see her as aligned with her parents .
12 She said only that someone was coming to see her .
13 Ianthe remembered that Miss Grimes had been to Spain for her holiday one year , but she supposed that she must have bought the wine specially when Ianthe had said she was coming to see her .
14 I was coming to see you .
15 She turned now and looked at her mother , adding , ‘ He … he was coming to see you at Christmas . ’
16 ‘ I was coming to see you , ’ he began , and his voice was low .
17 She was gratified to see them jump apart , eyes popping .
18 ‘ But it was upsetting to see her so unhappy .
19 I was allowed to see her in the visiting room , but if some of the girls knew you were from C1 they 'd call you muppet .
20 She told me no one was allowed to see him .
21 ( Press reports of Sept. 27 cited PLO officials as apparently confirming that on the previous day Ashrawi and Husseini had addressed the PNC , while Le Monde reported the " audition " of Ashrawi and Husseini by the PNC , " although nobody outside the members of the congress ' political committee was allowed to see them and therefore provide tangible proof of their presence " .
22 Sometime around the middle of the week , Dr MacLennan was allowed to see me for a while , after Diggs overruled my father 's refusal to have me medically inspected by anybody else but him .
23 A fortnight later , when it was dry and varnished , Alexandra was allowed to see it .
24 The other time I was taken to see him , which was better .
25 I was hoping to see her while I was here , that 's why I came … ’
26 The reference to the tent meant either that ‘ John Parsons ’ had written it , and was hoping to see me around , or that they had teamed up on a declared truce .
27 She threw her sister an apprehensive glance but was reassured to see she was smiling .
28 I was determined to see it and I pulled away from him and went up to the box office to pay my penny , hoping he would follow .
29 He had been shocked by the resentment he had aroused — especially from a group of poets who themselves had only lately moved into the Vale : but he had dug in and dug on , he was no coward and he would not budge , he was determined to see it built , to live in it in the season and to be happy there with his wife and daughter .
30 He had written to me every week when he could , and I was longing to see him again .
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