Example sentences of "is a necessary part " in BNC.

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1 He would show the Protestant that the Church , with its order , and structure , and mission , is a necessary part of the Word spoken in the crucifixion .
2 If he can not put his clothes on himself , learning to get dressed is a necessary part of his rehabilitation programme .
3 The ability to empathise , to connect with our own and each other 's inner strength , is a necessary part of giving healing massage or even when offering a shoulder to cry on .
4 Following a low-fat , low-salt diet and increasing the daily intake of fibre is a necessary part of life for anyone with heart disease or high blood pressure .
5 Regulation of the work flow by turning away instructions ( when this is possible without offending or losing good clients ) is a necessary part of job and personnel management .
6 The point is that violence is a necessary part of human interaction with the non-human world , but absolutely illegitimate within it .
7 It is now recognised that the tasks and skills to be learned by children with severe learning difficulties have to be analysed precisely and that the setting of small , clearly defined incremental objectives for individual pupils is a necessary part of programme planning .
8 A movable feast of visual stimulus is a necessary part of being an artist .
9 In units with long-stay residents or psychiatric units this may be particularly important and is a necessary part of the programme .
10 In this way , the area of implicitness has not been eroded , for it is a necessary part of attitudinal meaning .
11 Nor am I digressing because observation is a necessary part of communication , although again it obviously is : since communications obviously ca n't work if they 're not observed .
12 Style offers only an illusion of democracy , an illusion , indeed , that in a capitalist society is a necessary part of the leisure process .
13 Many aquatic flying insects stage mass emergences in early spring , suggesting that winter dormancy is a necessary part of their cycle .
14 However , this does not tell us whether pausing is a necessary part of language production .
15 That is a necessary part of providing the kind of aid for which there is an increasingly strong case .
16 " Focusing " and " diffusion " are processes inherent in many linguistic situations : focusing , for example , is a necessary part of standardisation , while diffusion may characterise situations where speakers of different languages or language varieties come into contact .
17 the other the black moment you know th the bit where I I put in the bit where the he broke his leg and the mortgage was gon na be foreclosed on him I mean that builds up to the black moment which is a necessary part of the story and then he got out of it erm because the house relented and showed him where the copper kettle was that was worth the money .
18 It is why I believe that devolving power from an overcentralised Westminster and Whitehall to Scotland , Wales , and the regions of England is a necessary part of the refurbishment of our democracy .
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