Example sentences of "is a [adj] deal " in BNC.

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1 Though there is a good deal there which I found deeply offensive , he wrote , as you must have realized when you sent me the stuff , though , knowing you as I do , I suspect it may not even have crossed your mind , anyway , to be brief , I have , of course , put my feelings to one side and decided to honour the integrity of .
2 He got Svidrigailov 's nightmare past the censor , and there is a good deal more to that horror than I have quoted ; and ‘ At Tikhon 's ’ could have been got past him too .
3 There is a good deal more to say , and to think about , concerning the relations between the intra- and extra-mural teaching of literature .
4 At £55 , it is a good deal more expensive than a ticket on the high-speed train which runs just below the bridge .
5 The ice is thick and he is a good deal less enthusiastic when the tip breaks through .
6 Callinicos is able to set the claims of such postmodern advocates as Charles Jencks and Linda Hutcheon against an analysis of Modernism ( predicated largely on that of Eugene Lunn ) in order to demonstrate that the latter is a good deal more complex in respect of its characteristic conceptions of the subject , expression , reflexion etc , than the former are wont to have it .
7 There is a good deal of self-censorship going on in these chapters about the festival .
8 The man in question , who is a good deal older than me , had no respect for me whatever , which I liked .
9 But there is a good deal in Blythe 's music that is enjoyable in an old-fashioned , unfree way .
10 THERE is a good deal of embarrassment in Paris over l'affaire de la Musee Jacquemart-Andre .
11 But there is a good deal more to him than that , as a new exhibition at Oxford 's Museum of Modern Art reveals .
12 Mr Duckworth said : ‘ I hope outside shareholders think it is a good deal though one or two may have thought we should have waited . ’
13 Unfortunately , there is a good deal of unhistorical thinking where the Community is concerned .
14 There is a good deal of evidence to show , however , that industrial capitalism places women on the periphery of the economy , and for women in a Third World country which is itself on the periphery of a world economy , the situation is even more difficult .
15 Austin is a good deal smaller than Edinburgh , but has about as much motorway as the UK .
16 There are a number of different kinds of bomb , some of them known by a variety of colourful synonyms , but in many cases , there is a good deal of argument about exactly how they acquire their shape .
17 Generally speaking , Zimbabwe 's economic situation is a good deal healthier than that of many other African countries .
18 Quite obviously , there is a good deal of , as yet , classified technology which might one day be available for all sorts of hazard mitigation purposes .
19 There is a good deal of evidence elsewhere in the Digest to show that in civil-law dispositions too intention was regarded as the key to application of a condition or a term ; and this goes back as early as Pegasus .
20 Education has learned to grab with ease but not to reach out and yet there is a good deal of help that can be given to small businesses and voluntary organisations once the idea of level three partnership has been grasped .
21 The reality is a good deal messier and more risky for those managing the change .
22 The climate is a good deal more hospitable than many parts of Britain .
23 Both the singing and the dialogue ( of which there is a good deal ) are expressive and sparkling , though there are times in her two solos , when Christiane Castelli ( Gontran ) seems a little uncertain pitch and fragile of tone .
24 ‘ It is easy to make the judgement that there is a good deal of fatalism held by unskilled workers … [ they ] believe they ‘ do n't have the knowledge ’ to think about the organization of their work .
25 Most commentators , pace Mr Damant , are likely to think that there is a good deal too much fudging going on and that the ASB ought to be cracking down on it .
26 This is a good deal more difficult than it sounds , as small pieces of fluff and hairs always seem to appear from thin air by the million and float down on to the glass !
27 Kelly has shown recently that correct calculations about the shearing strength of solids are rather complicated and that there is a good deal of variation between the theoretical shear strengths of various substances .
28 Reducing this to one fifth still leaves a potential strength of between 2 and 4 per cent of E , which is roughly what is achieved in practice in fibre-glass and is a good deal more than one can reach , keeping a safe amount of toughness , with the metallic ductility mechanism ( Chapter 9 ) .
29 Wood substance has a specific gravity around 1.4 but freshly felled timber floats ( unless it is a very dense species ) because , even in the unseasoned wood , there is a good deal of air .
30 What is more , they have said that there is a good deal more to noticing that things are white , and calling them ‘ white ’ , than one would suppose .
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