Example sentences of "is the purpose of " in BNC.

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1 Schutz emphasized how typifications are related to the ‘ purpose at hand ’ , which suggests that some typifications will be universal ( ‘ mother ’ , ‘ father ’ ) and others more restricted depending upon how general is the purpose of their use .
2 We are brought face to face with the question , ‘ What is the purpose of human life itself ? ’
3 Neither of these problems seems insurmountable , and it is the purpose of this book to explain the history of the developing relationship between Marxism and anthropology , in a way which the non-specialist should find accessible , as well as to contribute something to ongoing debates .
4 It is the purpose of this article to offer a preliminary analysis of the events which led to Mrs Thatcher 's decision to resign .
5 ‘ What is the purpose of your journey to the Federal Republic ? ’ asked the Passport Control official in German .
6 Responding to this question — by asking new questions as much as by offering solutions — is the purpose of this book .
7 What is the purpose of this rule ?
8 Therefore it is suggested that for the husband whose outrage forecloses the possibility of a mere divorce proceeding , a clear case exists for having the courts carve out an exception to the three-year rule so as to allow a suit to be brought for nullity through fraud or mistake.56 To the protesting reader who may feel that this spurious reasoning leads us into the realm of nonsense , the only answer is that it is the purpose of this paper to provoke a re-examination of certain fundamental values and ideas .
9 Indeed , it is the purpose of this article to suggest that what was alleged at the outset to be the general principle , that of self-determination , is in fact the exception .
10 For that is the purpose of the muzak , is it not ?
11 What is the purpose of symptoms ?
12 What , then , is the purpose of disease symptoms ?
13 The issue here is purely logical : what is the purpose of the category ‘ precatory words ’ if the choice of words for trusts was open ?
14 It is the purpose of this book to show that there is a possible meaning to the historical word ‘ god ’ , which involves an amalgamation into one central understanding , of all the known facts of evolution with many of the manifestations of unexplained mysteries which also affect human life .
15 It is the purpose of training to instil in the child mind a conscience that will be his guide , and this training is best done , and usually is done , by the various processes involving reward , and in this respect it must always be remembered that there is little greater reward that can be offered a child than the knowledge that it is loved .
16 It is the purpose of premises to make sense of something and the purpose of evidences to make solid sense of it .
17 It is , therefore , worth taking a little time and trouble to understand how this can be attained and is the purpose of this short article .
18 So , if I believe that we each have a number of incarnations , what do I think is the purpose of it all ?
19 That , of course , is the purpose of having law .
20 If these spaces are not to be compared one to another , and no original research has been carried out , what exactly is the purpose of this well-prepared book ?
21 In what circumstances is the food to be produced , and what is the purpose of its use ( to go on a diet , or to exclude certain elements such as meat ) ?
22 If sophisticated reflexes can be mediated by the spinal cord , what is the purpose of the brain ?
23 The fundamental question to be answered was this : what is the purpose of allowing 26,000 ranchers to graze their livestock on 280m acres of Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management ( BLM ) lands ?
24 Understanding how and why that struggle occurs and suggesting ways for regulating it is the purpose of the discipline .
25 This is the purpose of the letter 's concluding paragraph :
26 That , in part , is the purpose of this book .
27 Suppose we now proceed as in 2.9.3 : we begin with the submatrix Yo and successively evaluate unc and we then solve for Mo the eigenproblem unc Then a new approximation to Y is unc At this point we may ask : what is the purpose of eigenproblem ?
28 The columns of unc are thus mutually orthogonal ; this is the purpose of evaluating Mo : its use orthogonalises the columns , an our ultimate objective is the orthogonal set Y.
29 What is the purpose of it all ?
30 What is the purpose of the discourse ?
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