Example sentences of "is the kind of " in BNC.

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1 Eluard 's soaring ‘ lyricism ’ helped to perpetuate a tyranny , and is the kind of thing which led Kundera to employ the title The Lyric Age for the work which first came to him in the mid-Fifties , and which his publishers prevailed on him to retitle Life is elsewhere when it was completed in 1969 .
2 This is the kind of inconsistency that encourages players to take advantage .
3 Described by one writer as a cross between ‘ a sultan and a bandolier , a caliph and an ascetic , and a rural schoolmaster and a guerrilla ’ , Mr Anguita , 48 , is the kind of politician who carries his own revolver .
4 What he can not afford to bring into play is the kind of leadership veto that operated all those years ago against both Rab Butler and Iain Macleod .
5 That is the kind of shop steward she is .
6 If yours is the kind of garden that is attractive to hedgehogs — lots of cover , plenty of natural food and close to other good habitats — then you could well find your offer of a house taken up this winter .
7 It is the kind of face you only see outlined high in a woodland canopy late at night .
8 It is the kind of area where keeping a close eye on the map is almost essential for peace of mind — asking the way could prove difficult , to say the least .
9 This is the kind of self-righteous behaviour at which Mrs Thatcher 's Government excels .
10 Industrial Light and Magic 's construction of a realistic creature made of water in The Abyss is the kind of job the ‘ synthetic reality ’ wing of the computer animation business has been waiting for .
11 What Havel wittily shows is the kind of Catch-22 situation faced by a dissident in a despotism : whether to cling fiercely to your own moral integrity ( thereby landing others in the shit ) or whether to conform and perpetuate a corrupt system .
12 That is the kind of exploit he might well claim after a drink or two , expecting his audience first to gasp , then to roar with laughter .
13 According to the hylemorphic theory of the scholastics , each individual thing or substance is a combination of ‘ matter ’ ( hyle ) and ‘ form ’ ( morphe ) , and it is because something has the form it has , that it is the kind of thing it is .
14 It is the kind of argument that any businessman in charge of even a medium-sized company would recognize instantly .
15 That is the kind of question the miners of the country will ask , and they will say they have been deceived , betrayed , duped .
16 Hue And Cry is the kind of act Reynolds ca n't abide , but the Pat Kane interview is , in a way , the most important chapter .
17 At any other time I would probably telephone my agent and discuss this point for twenty minutes or so , for it is the kind of marginal detail which intrigues me and has never appeared to bore him .
18 This is the kind of dreamy Hollywood fantasy I like to float in when I 'm lying flat on my back under some dirty platform desperately trying to tack a loose wire or stubborn piece of baize into position — or standing in a wet field trying to work out exactly how the VIPs will swim through the mud from the helicopter to the marquee .
19 That is the kind of occasion on which the advance man has to think fast , make a decision and ‘ manage ’ it through .
20 ‘ This is the kind of acting part I want to be offered in future .
21 The task of going direct from A to C , if I can see C , presents no special difficulty ; this is the kind of problem solved by the students of animal orientation .
22 Emma is the kind of fictitious Englishwoman who always refers to herself as ‘ one ’ and views the world with social and intellectual hauteur .
23 But at the same time one can not help feeling that Proofs is the kind of story that would have been better off as a three-page essay in Granta .
24 It is the kind of ‘ big ’ development that is very out of fashion with the money men at present , and it is unlikely that we will be seeing anything on this scale started in the next few years .
25 ‘ When he [ Mr Baker ] reflects on it , he will realise it is the kind of remark that , even in the heat of an election campaign , was not really worthy of him , and I think John Major will want to step away from that . ’
26 This is the kind of frame from which Dorothy Heathcote often ( increasingly ) wants children to work , and this is why it often seems to be the case in her work that the pupils are not in role at all — they are merely required to look at something from a particular scientific perspective .
27 Not unexpectedly it is the kind of role behaviour to be found in the ordinary playing of games .
28 This is the kind of growing resentment which obtains in France , and which Le Pen exploits and fosters .
29 This is the kind of question which has no answer , since no difference between commitment and rhetoric will be discernable until refugees are faced with a real choice between some kind of a settlement falling short of the ideal and holding out for the ideal itself .
30 He thought , there is wanting to go to bed with someone , which is really just an erection ; and there is the kind of wanting which extends beyond the night into the day , the kind where you spend all day waiting , sometimes several days .
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