Example sentences of "is happening [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We may have our worries about the different future we see opening up before us — it would be odd if we did not — but surely we must see what is happening at the Brandenburg Gate as a European as well as a German triumph .
2 We may have our worries about the different future we see opening up before us — it would be odd if we did not — but surely we must see what is happening at the Brandenburg Gate as a European as well as a German triumph .
3 It is , indeed , a great deal easier to point out the irrelevance of much of what is happening at the moment than to have confidence in any particular alternative .
4 For comparison purposes , there are fundamentally two choices , ie either the attainment levels can be assessed against an agreed target , or relative comparisons can be made , eg against what happened in the past if records are available , or what is happening at the start of the exercise compared with what happens at selected future points in time , effectively establishing better or worse levels , as summarised in Fig 13.6 .
5 Stay in touch with what is happening at the Grand Theatre — all the news on shows , performers and future plans .
6 Tell the candidate what is happening at the next stage in the selection and/or the date when you will be letting people know your decision .
7 So if it is happening at club level you can guarantee it is happening at the top .
8 It is hard to remember , unless something similar is happening at the time , exactly how strongly people feel at moments of great political crisis , how they are carried away by conviction of the rightness of their own side and by contempt and hatred of the other .
9 What is , what is happening at the moment is although they ca n't afford the money for the full , for the full treatment they are making an allocation of money to improve matters round , round that area , which will be er , cos I , I told them that some of the pensioners were , w walking round by the bankment , it 's pouring of rain , which is perfectly true and that er the engineer should go round and see for himself and plus the fact how many of these people ever travel by bus , or do they always go by car , no , and also I brought up about bus shelters and all those sort of things , but any way , there will be some improvements for the bus station in the future .
10 'So let's look at the current problems first-what is happening at the moment ?
11 In James they are a further indication of the ramifications of consciousness : past memories , future expectations and hypothetical suppositions are as much implicated in the would-be tutor 's predicament as what is happening at the time .
12 Such structures also seem to provide a kind of elementary momentum in periods where a discipline is in the doldrums , and not a great deal is happening at the research level .
13 Another eye-opening event is happening at the Prescriptives counter exclusively at Harrods from 9–21 April .
14 By investing a few million pounds into the anti-poaching forces of Kenya and Tanzania , as is happening at the moment , we will probably reduce and even stop the poaching problem for the time being but the long-term survival of the elephant in eastern Africa is going to depend ultimately on those countries ' abilities to incorporate wildlife and wild area protection into an overall land use policy .
15 He gives a running commentary on what is happening at the moment in the game but also gives a players history where he thinks it will help the reader to understand to a fuller extent what is happening in the play .
16 , whose voice is well known to customers will still be in touch with what is happening at the company through husband , a shift supervisor — who can beat her years of service by seven !
17 Because we need that new rule what is happening at the moment ?
18 ‘ What is happening at the DVLA is happening in all civil service jobs in Wales .
19 A family with more than one child may be so chaotic at meal-times that the mother is too pre-occupied with feeding the youngest that she fails to see what is happening with the others .
20 In order to keep the level of inflation down , will he have a look at what is happening with the six major grocery chains , the increased share of the margins that they are getting and the fact that their margins are now twice the level found in the major grocery chains throughout Europe ?
21 Although a ‘ mature ’ lady , I am a supporter of ‘ save the terrace ’ and can not agree that seats are necessary — fans will stand up most of the time anyway , as we did last Sunday , and seats are more of a hazard when leaning over to see what is happening on the pitch .
22 Indeed , if so much is happening on the edges , one is obliged to ask again what is characteristic of the period .
23 Repeat these four rows knit and six rows slip several more times , until you have knitted a sizable piece of fabric , and are happy that you understand what is happening on the machine .
24 EVERYONE must be wondering what is happening on the Mid-Hants Railway , the ‘ Watercress Line ’ , having received the startling news from the pages of a contemporary magazine that volunteers have been resigning from the work force in substantial numbers .
25 All this is happening on the main bed , of course .
26 It is against a background of near hysteria that we set out to propose an alternative account of what is happening on the football terraces — an account based not on the second-hand rhetoric of myth-creating media men but on our faith in people 's ability to render their own social action intelligible and meaningful .
27 He makes it his business to know what is happening on the street — although he is rarely if ever seen there himself these days — and feeds these spontaneous trends into the crucible of high fashion , to make it fizz and bubble .
28 Let's Watch also has some exercises which encourage the viewer to interact with what is happening on the screen .
29 After the answers that I have given , I do not know how anyone can say that nothing is happening on the matter .
30 The truth is that Ministers who mouth those grandiloquent guarantees know little of what is happening on the ground .
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