Example sentences of "is closely [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Again , this is where sculpture is closely aligned to social and political history .
2 The rigidity of American standards is closely related to the seriousness with which meritocracy and classlessness are taken as ideals .
3 We all know how Service morale is closely related to the standard of food , so it is comforting to conclude that the RAF looks in pretty good shape in 1991 .
4 The beluga is closely related to the narwhal , and both are found mainly in the cold northern waters of Canada , Alaska , and the USSR .
5 The answer to the first question is closely related to issues of stigma , labelling , and widely held opinions about culpability .
6 The domestic Ferret , used for catching rabbits , is closely related to the Polecat , which indeed may be its wild ancestor .
7 It is the third group which concerns us , since it is closely related to selection methods .
8 This is closely related to the more general idea of a common association base ( CAB ) : the argument is that some sort of conceptual link has to be formed between individuals which have been introduced if they are to be referred to by a plural pronoun .
9 The democratic approach is closely related to the more general idea of a blackboard architecture , as used in speech recognition ( see , for example , Erman and Lesser 1980 on the HEARSAY-II system ) and other tasks .
10 the position of the development of the productive forces is closely related to that of reproduction : the growth of the forces of production corresponds with expanded reproduction , when static they correspond with simple reproduction and their decline is expressed in the fact that an ever diminishing share of the periodically consumed products is replaced .
11 The position of the development of the productive forces is closely related to that of reproduction : the growth of the productive forces corresponds with expanded reproduction , when static they correspond with simple reproduction and their decline is expressed in the fact that an ever-diminishing share of periodically consumed products is replaced .
12 The jewel in the Cobra 's head has its counterpart in Australian Aboriginal folklore in the form of the quartz crystal which enshrines the colours and essence of the rainbow , and the Rainbow Serpent of Australian mythology is closely related to the Indian Spectacled Cobra in terms of its role as both a fertility symbol and a symbol of higher consciousness .
13 Proponents of this definition often assume that criminal law is closely related to the consensus , although they accept that law may be tardy in reacting to changing attitudes .
14 Although the practical work is closely related to some parts of the theory , there is a discrete set of lectures on the subject .
15 This is closely related to how realistic the programme is .
16 The roots of Habermas 's concept of lifeworld clearly lie with the phenomenology of Schutz and Berger and Luckmann ( see Chapter 3 ) but his concept is closely related to a theory of social systems that includes the institutional structure of society .
17 The second issue , and it is closely related to the first , is whether the succession of images — and they succeed each other with alarming frequency — enables us not only to remember past events but to learn from our past mistakes .
18 Second , the age at which people marry is closely related to their ability to set up an independent household , and for women who married under the age of 20 the numbers sharing accommodation with relatives changed little between the 1950s and the 1970s ( Holman , 1981 ) .
19 In America it is called the thick-billed murre , and it is closely related to the common guillemot which breeds in large numbers on the cliffs of Shetland .
20 ICAM-3 is closely related to ICAM-1 , consists of five immunoglobulin domains , and binds LFA-1 through its two N-terminal domains .
21 The third defining feature of positivist criminology — pathology — is closely related to differentiation .
22 Spinoza 's ethics is closely related to his metaphysical views .
23 The distinction between the Japanese profiles highlights the very marked tendency to reward length of continuous employment in large firms and is closely related to their much higher rates of union membership .
24 Designed especially for the North and South Duveen Galleries , this work is closely related to ‘ Two forged rounds for Buster Keaton ’ , the pair of steel cylinders shown at Larry Gagosian 's downtown space in New York exactly a year ago .
25 While the formation of this ugly , bumpy skin condition is closely related to the hormonal system , which is in turn adversely affected by stress , Danielle maintains that ‘ nervousness , tension , frustration , shock , anger and so forth can all bring on a cellulite condition .
26 Women 's vision of their future in a new society is closely related to their own experiences and education and whether they have been in touch with the women 's movement outside of El Salvador , Some suggest that a new society will bring an end to the repression , the constant fear , the torture , the deaths and disappearances , It will mean they can return home , either leaving the refugee camps in San Salvador or ending their enforced exile abroad , to start to rebuild their homes in the knowledge that the army will not descend on them again .
27 The sort of task illustrated above is closely related to estimation tasks .
28 This is closely related to the history of the town centre development .
29 This issue is closely related to the form of socio-tenurial polarization in the Northern Tyneside area .
30 The reliability approach can be made more elaborate ; in some ways it is closely related to the causal approach considered next , because we are clearly owed an account of what reliability is , and a causal answer is tempting ( see , e.g. , Goldman , 1979 ) .
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