Example sentences of "is interesting [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 But although Darwinian natural selection seems plainly to deny primacy either to egoism or to altruism , it is interesting to notice that nearly everyone has preconceptions which hinder him from coming fully to terms with the evidence .
2 It is interesting to notice that the Association for Science Education ( 1979 ) policy statement in Britain and the proposals on school physics coming from the Institute for Science Education ( IPN ) in Kiel are advocating such changes .
3 It is interesting to notice that Lamia and Circe are represented as physically mature women , so different to the pubescent bodies favoured by Onslow Ford .
4 It is interesting to speculate that in the fetus the G cells may , by a means yet to be identified , lead to the disappearance of parietal cells in their immediate vicinity .
5 ‘ It is interesting to reflect that the course of the history of medicine — and , indeed , of the history of mankind — hung briefly on the timekeeping of the Great Western Railway ’ .
6 The Vicar writing in July 1893 ; " It is interesting to record that there has been no funeral in Halling since March 25th , in the meantime many babies have been born , so it can be seen how it is our population keeps increasing " .
7 It is interesting to record that the British National Appeal alone raised more than £18 million for WWF in 1988 !
8 In connection with the location of the energy barrier separating the two states , it is interesting to remark that some crystallographic results have been interpreted as containing B II phosphates when in fact these conformations correspond to ε-ζ values of roughly +30° ( see , for example , 10 ) which in the light of our findings should be considered B I .
9 It is interesting to remark that the pur-pyr junctions in the CRE dodecamer have the highest barriers to the B II transition .
10 The books here have been collected entirely at random , as has been explained , but it is interesting to see that the arrival of the new media is reflected in some of them quite significantly .
11 Back at his home near Florence he completed his book on hydrostatics , in which it is interesting to see that he was nonplussed by the fact that a thin flake of ebony , though denser than water would nevertheless float .
12 ( It is interesting to see that recent union negotiations may place the wages of such workers above those of refuse collectors for the first time . )
13 It is interesting to see that some developments in reading instruction are stressing the need to help pupils cope with text organisational problems .
14 But whether or not I am right about a Niemecz on paper 60 rpm for the machine 's flywheels , the tempo relationships of the pieces on all three machines ' barrels are a constant and it is interesting to see that the tempo range for pieces either minuet-like in character or specifically called minuets ( in available manuscripts or because of the music 's original sources ) roughly corresponds to the ranges of minuet tempos metronomized by Hummel and Czerny for Mozart and by Czerny for Haydn .
15 It is interesting to think that had they snatched — or preferably caught cleanly — that victory , the pattern of English Test cricket might have been changed for years ahead , for , as the other four matches were all drawn , a victorious first series might have given Botham 's captaincy the shove it needed to get airborne .
16 Whatever we may make of this , it is interesting to observe that Professor Hartman of New York has established a link between those who suffer from this nocturnal disposition and a high level of creativity .
17 Leapor 's plays have an obviously public character , yet it is interesting to observe that the second play was written ‘ At the Request of a Friend ’ [ ML , 2 , 225 ] ; presumably , that friend was Freemantle .
18 It is interesting to observe that Kuo found that the slide presentation of visual material was more effective than television presentation of the same material .
19 It is interesting to observe that just at the point when the old sources of clerical recruitment , the married clergy , were taking to celibacy , the supply of clergy did not dry up , it multiplied exceedingly .
20 ( It is interesting to observe that perhaps the most influential art magazine in the West , ARTFORUM , New York , has in the later 1980s not only devoted special features and reviews to photography , but now runs regular columns on television , on news photography and on advertising ) .
21 It is interesting to observe that publishers regularly reproduce conscious manipulation of the written medium on the part of the writer .
22 It is interesting to observe that the use of our anti IL-6DBP antibody preparation , while not leading to reduction or elimination of the IL-6 induced band , often gives rise to the appearance of a slow migrating band on the top of the gel ( shown by an open arrow ) .
23 It is interesting to observe that although there were no roads along the valley bottoms to Keswick which were usable by carts , it was quite possible to cart materials down to Penny Bridge .
24 The wooden houses off Blackfriars Street , already referred to ( p. 51 ) , were ultimately rebuilt at least twice in masonry , and it is interesting to observe that there was little change in the original property boundaries through to post-Roman times , despite changes in use .
25 With the view here towards Kirkby Bentinck , it is interesting to relate that the colour light signal was still glowing red just around the corner .
26 It is interesting to note that the debate centred on the concrete social consequences of divorce legislation rather than on its intrinsic morality .
27 We have no knowledge of this being in his parents ' minds , but it is interesting to note that this Cohen was a Cabalist , in which tradition Leonard was deeply immersed .
28 It is interesting to note that bullhead rail is still in evidence some forty years after the infant British Railways adopted flat-bottom rail as standard .
29 It is interesting to note that a Dellinger fade out is often followed by a magnetic field change around 48 hours later .
30 It is interesting to note that the local Party cell 's initial report for January , that is , prior to the central decree of 16 February on church valuables , already concentrates on two things — possible rifts within the Church , and the flow of ecclesiastical monies .
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