Example sentences of "is generally [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 Consideration of this question requires us first to examine what is generally understood by conservatism .
2 Medium shots come between these two extremes , and the length of their stay is generally decided by the action ; the shot is held for as long as something interesting is going on or being said .
3 Since class is generally defined by male socioeconomic status , it is often argued that women are more able to transcend class than men .
4 It highlights the difficult position that the professional frequently faces in cases of library censorship because even if the employer does not initiate the censorship , the censorship is generally ratified by the employer .
5 The structure of a commercial paper programme is generally determined by the type of credit support , if any , on the programme .
6 Firstly , weeding policy in any library is generally influenced by three background factors .
7 Accurate positioning of the rotor is generally achieved by magnetic alignment of the iron teeth on the stationary and rotating parts of the motor .
8 An ‘ acceptable risk ’ , which implies that the risk , although present , is generally regarded by those exposed to it as not worth worrying about .
9 The east end is apsidal , semi-circular on the inside but , unlike the Roman , polygonal on the exterior ; it is generally lit by three or five large windows .
10 Since , as with hepatitis A virus ( HAV ) , HEV is generally transmitted by faecal-oral routes , the increased prevalence of HEV in those with less education was not unexpected .
11 The quality of nitrogen supply in foodstuffs is generally assessed by nutritional indices such as gain in body weight and how effectively protein is digested .
12 It is not the case that the legitimate power of authorities is generally limited by the condition that it is defeated by significant mistakes which are not clear .
13 A 1992 survey commissioned by the Institute of Directors of member companies who employ less than 100 people , has shown that the cost of bank finance is generally felt by small business to be a greater problem than availability .
14 In modern times this authority is generally granted by statute but certain powers , rights and immunities appertaining to the Crown still have their origins in the common law .
15 Promotion , however , tends to be slow , since it is generally governed by the principle of ‘ Buggins 's turn ’ ; one reaches the top or near-top only at about the age of 55 , when one is not far off retirement .
16 Symptomatic , primary HIV-1 infection is generally characterised by a mononucleosis-like illness , with or without aseptic meningitis .
17 An economy in a slump or depression is generally characterised by high demand-deficient unemployment of both labour and capital .
18 This is generally done by mechanical means , crushing solid plastics and using the residue to make other items .
19 Energy analysis of electrons is equivalent to velocity analysis , and is generally done by the application of a controlled electrostatic field which deflects electrons with a particular velocity into the detector .
20 The Turks admitted similar losses , but the correct figure is generally believed by historians to be considerably higher .
21 However , legislative change is generally treated by both moral entrepreneurs and other social commentators as being an accurate and reliable index of general changes in ‘ standards ’ or the rules governing behaviour .
22 This is generally caused by a decomposing body or bodies polluting the water and is usually accompanied by an unpleasant smell .
23 If there is any legislation which it is necessary to pass for special departmental or other reasons , and is generally accepted by the different parties , it may be undertaken .
24 It is generally accepted by most researchers in the field ( although there is now increasing concern over drought and climate change , see below ) , as is the three-step concept of forest damage , which distinguishes ‘ predisposing ’ , ‘ inciting ’ and ‘ contributing ’ factors .
25 In the absence of any agreement to the contrary , a deposit is generally forfeited by the buyer if the sale falls through because of his fault .
26 Much of the writing on family law lacks any stated theoretical position , although it is generally underpinned by a welfare approach .
27 This is generally supplied by top dressing with direct-feed artificials , and there is no doubt that with the right moisture and soil temperature , earlier and more prolific growth can thus be obtained .
28 The CD market at this maturity is generally driven by the interest rate swap market with , in particular , banks issuing fixed rate in order to obtain LIBOR-related funding .
29 The car is generally occupied by an idiot or two gazing strictly ahead either with expressions that lead you to think that they are convinced they are doing everyone else a favour , or that they are only sitting down because they have insufficient brain to walk and chew gum at the same time .
30 Non-consent is generally established by proof of violence whether actual , threatened or feared .
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