Example sentences of "is usually [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Whereas hypocrisy in the tragic mode is usually revealed to the audience directly , in advance of the action , here Shakespeare makes Angelo declare himself to a second person , Isabella , confident that — as Falstaff says when he is planning his pretence of having killed Hotspur in battle — ‘ Nothing confutes me but e-yes , and nobody sees me ’ ( 1 Henry IV V.iv.125f ) : And indeed , Angelo 's position is impregnable , unless some force from outside , with superior knowledge , can expose him .
2 The first constituent of the so-called ‘ toxic mix ’ is usually said to be lifers — prisoners serving sentences of life imprisonment .
3 The description and demonstration of the working of such systems has always been considered a major advance in anthropological theory and is usually traced to the publication in 1940 of African Political Systems by M. Fortes and E. E. Evans-Pritchard with their respective discussions of the Tallensi of West Africa and the Nuer of East Africa .
4 The response is usually related to that at 1kHz ; this is 10.103 per cent of the maximum and not 10 per cent as might be presumed .
5 The cost of the service is usually related to the length of time customers are actively connected to the host computer .
6 This anaemia is usually related to the presence of a lesion in the gastrointestinal tract , rather than to the drug itself .
7 The dividend is usually expressed to be cumulative , since in the case of equity share capital there is a presumption that dividends are non-cumulative unless otherwise stated .
8 However , the auditors ' task is usually expressed to be to state the " fair price " of the shares ; considered further at 3.5 .
9 So there 's often a contradiction as to whether programmes are addressed to their actual or potential audiences or to a hypothetical audience , which in current affairs and news broadcasts is usually assumed to be a male viewer .
10 Loss of the nuptial pads is usually assumed to be a consequence of mating on land because , in other frogs and toads , their function appears to be to help the male to grip onto the female 's slippery back while mating in water .
11 Since Bentham 's position is usually assumed to be rigorist , it is worth pointing out that his main formulations , such as we have described above , seem to be non-rigorist .
12 Similarly the south gate is usually assumed to be at the end of Southgate Street where an internal street points in the direction of Boley Hill ; the existence of a cemetery in this region outside the walls would support this assumption .
13 The missing actor is usually assumed to be the writer .
14 Some priority is usually given to MdBs seeking reelection .
15 In explaining rural out-migration , emphasis is usually given to economic factors , especially the problems of employment outlined in chapters 2 and 3 , although factors such as planning policies , housing markets and the decline of services are also important .
16 However , some on-the-job training , in skills such as cash handling or food preparation , is usually given to seasonal workers and this allows them to be moved into tasks which would have been denied them at the start of their employment .
17 Most attention is usually given to correlations of the same component of velocity at points separated in a direction either parallel to that velocity component ( Fig. 19.4(b) ) or perpendicular to it ( Fig. 19.4(c) ) .
18 Although the term censorship is usually applied to instances of government interference in programme making , Brittan uses it much more broadly to include such structural and institutional constraints as the IBA 's power to withdraw franchises and its right to vet schedules and programmes .
19 They could therefore be called continuants , though the term is usually applied to the frictionless continuant /r/ .
20 The latter term is usually applied to the average number of word choices permitted by the system 's grammar .
21 The scanner is usually fixed to a circular platform on which the subject is placed .
22 Where Newco issues debentures in exchange for Target shares , an attempt is usually made to structure these so that they do not constitute " qualifying corporate bonds " as defined in s117 TCGA 1992 .
23 Today the Welsh breed is usually understood to be the Welsh Black ( Gwartheg Duon Cymreig ) , a dual-purpose type , though primarily used for beef production in suckler herds , especially on the uplands , either as a purebred or crossbred cow .
24 For instance in the context of the law relating to sale of goods , a warranty is usually understood to be a representation relating to the subject matter of the contract , which is of secondary importance , and whose breach therefore entitles the injured party to damages but not to terminate the contract .
25 And class work in this area is usually referred to as ‘ technique ’ or simply ‘ acting ’ .
26 The simplest and most fundamental aspect of cognisance ( fundamental philosophically and developmentally ) is what is usually referred to as ‘ self-world dualism ’ : the knowledge that there is a physical world out there of which I am an experiencer and that is distinct from me .
27 False consciousness is usually referred to by Marx by the term ‘ ideology ’ and that is how the word will be used in this book .
28 The moving of books to reserve stock or to remote storage is usually referred to as ‘ relegation ’ .
29 This is usually referred to as the catastrophic version ; and today this has few , if any , adherents .
30 This behaviour , observed by many owners when their pets have been chastised or corrected in some way , is usually referred to as a dignified sulk .
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