Example sentences of "is yet to be " in BNC.

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1 The venue for the second qualifier is yet to be decided , but the winners of the two qualifiers will meet in the final during the European Cup for Club ( League ) Champions at Frankfurt in June .
2 Meanwhile , the site for the airport is yet to be reclaimed from the sea off Lantau island ; and Hong Kong 's confidence in its future , which the project was meant to bolster , sags still further .
3 Their influence is yet to be fully evaluated .
4 The mechanism for the maintenance of this functional integrity is yet to be established , but presumably would involve platelet adhesion to the endothelium .
5 There are already several thousand CHP plants in the UK providing 15 per cent of electricity to industry , but a national grid power station is yet to be converted to CHP .
6 In Latin America other schools of thought have arisen , such as those of Masi and Orthega , but it is yet to be demonstrated that they are any more effective than the guidelines laid down by Hahnemann in the sixth edition of his Organon of Rational Healing .
7 Whether the benefit is between £8,000 and £20,000 annually per player , as ARFU executive director Bob Fordham speculates , is yet to be proven .
8 How to cut the cake is yet to be resolved .
9 ‘ The best is yet to be , Anna !
10 The best is yet to be ! ’
11 ‘ Whether the child has arrived or is yet to be born is unclear .
12 Whether it will become an annual event is yet to be decided .
13 Further to your report in the June issue entitled Deal struck over Range West , I must draw to readers attention that the position regarding access remains in the balance , and the final outcome is yet to be determined .
14 But the deal collapsed mysteriously and is yet to be resurrected .
15 The controversial duo , last seen performing with Extreme Noise Terror at the BPI awards in February , offered the following statement to NME : ‘ Jimmy Cauty and Bill Drummond left for Mexico City on May 5 to research a non-music project , the nature of which is yet to be disclosed . ’
16 The catch is , however , that the joint is yet to be licensed , so it 's bring your own hooch or just get drunk on the atmosphere .
17 Exactly why Burton is so interested in Wood is yet to be revealed , but if some of the crankier bits of Scissorhands are anything to go by , he 's just managed to lift himself above that level …
18 A beautiful Cirrhilabrus from Fiji which is yet to be named , but had been dubbed the ‘ Shimmering Parrot Wrasse ’ .
19 While some data is yet to be confirmed , hardware had a bad time in 1992 .
20 Whether this is true in developed countries is yet to be seen : although Ellison 's 1932 study in the United Kingdom is consistent with the results in figure 1 , it preceded immunisation and antibiotics and hence is not comparable in 1992 .
21 The package is yet to be approved by the member states and will be toughly negotiated .
22 ‘ What is yet to be demonstrated is that there is any substantial number of contemporary American artists who are themselves living in reduced circumstances while their work is simultaneously commanding high prices on the secondary market ’ , argued Stephen Weil , deputy director of the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington D.C. and a respected authority on art law .
23 That the project schools provide potential examples of good practice is also clear , but it does seem that potential here is yet to be realized .
24 The full extent of this system is yet to be established , but the gouffre Pierre-Saint-Martin is only a few miles as the Pyrenean crow flies from the Gorges de Kakouetta and forms part of the one vast hydrological network .
25 The full story of the history of VBK is yet to be uncovered .
26 The panner who misses nothing is yet to be born .
27 The card , which is yet to be named , will be launched later this year .
28 Although much had been achieved by 1974 Barrett argued that ‘ the best is yet to be ’ ( see also chapter 10 , p. 211 ) .
29 The weakness of the tidal interaction with the Sun may mean that even after 4600 Ma synchronous rotation is yet to be achieved , and that in the distant future the retrograde rotation will cease and then the requisite slow prograde rotation will build up .
30 If ever there was any documentation relating to this episode , none appears to have survived or is yet to be unearthed .
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