Example sentences of "is remove from the " in BNC.

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1 • An increased rate and depth of breathing ensures that more oxygen is taken into the blood ( for delivery to the muscles ) and that the extra carbon dioxide is removed from the body .
2 ‘ There will be no further Eastbound trains until a defective train is removed from the stretch between Victoria and Sloane Square . ’
3 Here the tramway cortège is drawn up outside the Cemetery gates and the coffin is removed from the tramcar hearse , by uniformed tramwaymen .
4 A classic example of this is the dental crown where diseased or damaged material is removed from the tooth and is repaired by placing a restorative cap over the remaining tooth .
5 When the moisture is removed from the slurry the powder compact is sintered , producing a lightly bonded microporous ceramic .
6 In my defence , I should have pointed out that , provided the transistor under test ( TR1 ) is removed from the tester , there will be virtually no current drain from the supply .
7 At SAAB this stage is removed from the line in what is termed a ‘ line-out ’ system .
8 When the crystal stops growing , because it is removed from the solution , or for any other reason , these steps will remain on the surface and can often clearly be seen in the microscope .
9 William Golding 's book Lord of the Flies was to me an apt exercise in male self-disclosure , chronicling as it does what happens when the civilizing female influence is removed from the life of the male .
10 When the band is removed from the machine there will be two ends of yarn to sew in for each buttonhole .
11 When the fabric is removed from the machine , you will see that what you have knitted is a ridged pattern within the work .
12 But when you cast on and knit the sleeve , you find that when the work is removed from the machine , the stitches ‘ shrink ’ and in so doing , the depth of the armhole decreases .
13 Experiments in which the wax is removed from the fly larvae show that the larvae immediately become vulnerable to attack from the ants , and they quickly try to re-cover themselves .
14 If the catapult is destroyed , or if the catapult and crew are broken either in hand-to-hand combat or as a result of a psychology test , then the catapult is removed from the game .
15 If you roll two doubles for distance then the horses collapse with exhaustion and the model is removed from the battle .
16 America 's heavy spending on military R&D accounts for much of this difference , but when military spending is removed from the figures for both countries , Dr Mowery and Dr Treece still find that the proportion of R&D financed by companies is higher in Japan .
17 The ‘ blame ’ is removed from the carer who abuses .
18 The night prior to the arrival of guests the section of the rack containing the reservations for that particular day is removed from the advance reservations rack ( Fig. 3.15 ) and placed alongside the room rack ( Fig. 3.14 ) and becomes the current reservation rack .
19 The name strip is removed from the guest 's alphabetical list ( Fig. 3.32 ) .
20 When set , the segment ring is removed from the clamp and mounted in the three-jaw chuck .
21 While in hospital the responsibility for certain decisions is removed from the patient , e.g. what to wear , when to get up .
22 Oxidized nitrogen is reduced to ammonia with Devarda 's alloy , and this , together with any free ammoniacal nitrogen , is removed from the sample by boiling the alkaline solution .
23 After it has been emptied of radioactivity , the cone-shaped plastic insert is removed from the bottle .
24 The gel piece is removed from the stop solution , placed on a suitable backing material ( i.e. , overhead photocopy film ) , covered with plastic wrap , and subjected to autoradiography at 37°C to assess the position of the retarded and unretarded DNA species .
25 If the calcium concentration is increased during incubation of hippocampal slices , then it becomes easier to induce LTP , while if calcium is removed from the medium in which the slices are bathed , then LTP can not develop .
26 In this case , it is the wholesaler who is removed from the scene .
27 As the froth turns in from the sides and the coffee begins to rise in the pot , it is removed from the heat and a little is poured into each cup to distribute the froth .
28 Could I also ask you to ensure that the debris from the hedge-cutting is removed from the highway and not left as a hazard to cyclists .
29 Robert Stevenson checks the first few metres of each weaving when it is removed from the loom .
30 Since vapour is removed from the top of the column the equilibria in the column are continuously changing .
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