Example sentences of "is true say that " in BNC.

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1 Many companies manufacture expansion cards featuring DSP chips ( for example Burr Brown , SMIS and Loughborough Sound Images ) and it is true to say that every major DSP chip is available on an expansion card .
2 If the Saatchi Collection were to be dispersed , it is true to say that a whole era of international art would be effectively lost to the nation .
3 Since then , however , this fundamental premise has come under attack in a variety of ways and it is true to say that ‘ evolutionism ’ is considered unacceptable by most modern Western anthropologists .
4 While I 'm on the subject of secrecy , it is true to say that many politicians , sometimes justifiably , are paranoid about the subject .
5 It is true to say that the only overweight animals are those cared for by humans who take more notice of the time on the clock than of natural feelings of hunger .
6 And it is true to say that , provided you do not suffer from any particular allergy or illness , a certain amount of food commonly considered to be ‘ bad ’ for you wo n't do you any harm at all .
7 It is true to say that man has lost much since the perfection of Adam .
8 Yet it is true to say that the nuances of the legal institutions were imperfectly understood : if the epitomator of Gaius knew that there were differences between legacies and trusts , he still did not know that the word fideicommissarius should refer to the beneficiary of a trust and not to the trustee .
9 Therefore it is true to say that , when a person stiffens the neck muscles and pulls back the head , not only is the body 's natural coordination being obstructed but it is also being prevented from returning to its natural state of ease and equilibrium .
10 It is true to say that no composer would write music hard enough for him .
11 So , although it is not true to say that all tortoiseshell cats are females , it is true to say that they are all feminine — even the rare males .
12 While it is true to say that the best wine each year is often reserved for vintage wines , non-vintage blends are not necessarily inferior .
13 It is not quite true to say that the price of Attlee 's policy was partition , but it is true to say that its price was the early and firm acceptance of the inevitability of partition .
14 Whenever anyone , Y , is in a position to say , ‘ X is φ ’ on account of what he sees , drawing no inferences , and not lying , then it is true to say that X appears to him to be φ , even if it goes against our linguistic practice of saying , ‘ X appears to Y to be φ ’ only if we have a reason not to say , ‘ X is φ ’ .
15 I believe it is true to say that my company has hardly sold a single product in Japan ( and we sell many ) without having to respond to some particular specification , different to that pertaining in other parts of the world .
16 I think that it is true to say that almost all practitioners of quantum mechanics talk in a strongly realistic way about a world described by wavefunctions .
17 Having said that , it is possible to plant some in groups , and it is true to say that some thrive in soil which would normally be considered unsatisfactory .
18 It is true to say that the cars are largely restricted to three or four models , but my own insistence had been from the outset that no obligation to use the scheme should be imposed on the disabled , nor any obligation to a particular model .
19 It is true to say that the ‘ reforms ’ have been taking place along several different tracks at the same time , and it would be simplistic to suppose that the single element called ‘ case management ’ could or should be expected to ‘ make the difference ’ in isolation from other aspects of the reforms .
20 While it is true to say that there is no simple relation of general application in the case of materials at large strains there are certain general principles which have been formulated by the theoreticians and which in particular cases lead to expressions capable of experimental test .
21 Further , there is such a large overlap between girls ' and boys ' test or examination results that it is true to say that a great many girls do better at mathematics than the majority of boys .
22 In the spring Petrakis 's survey of sexuality for It revealed , amidst a cluster of curious statements , that ‘ it is true to say that homosexuals are neurotic ’ .
23 Whilst it is true to say that it might have started off that way ( call me a sceptic if you will ) , it has now found itself a major market position .
24 Program Manager , the default shell for Windows does n't suit everyone 's way of working , and it is true to say that the Windows desktop can become cluttered with myriads of overlapping windows and dialogue boxes .
25 So while it is true to say that discrimination on the grounds of age is not unlawful , that is not the complete picture .
26 I had not originally intended to make a great issue of the fact , but it is true to say that the pressure groups that study these matters in great detail are incensed at the way in which the orders have been introduced .
27 It is true to say that he was almost exclusively concerned with military operations , and he spent much of his time in the latter stages of the war at a series of international conferences .
28 It is true to say that Tamburlaine sets himself very few limits , and this is shown when he makes his aspirations clear by telling his friends that he wants ‘ to become immortal like the Gods ’ .
29 While it is true to say that the bare infinitive is more frequent in American English — Algeo ( 1988 : 22 ) found that the Brown University Corpus has only 25 per cent usage of to infinitives after help where the Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus has 73 per cent — this begs the question nevertheless because both the bare and the to infinitives are used on both sides of the Atlantic .
30 Consequently , while it is true to say that the sentence with the to infinitive evokes a realized event , this is only part of the story : it also evokes the dispositions of the support previous to the realization of the happening denoted by the infinitive .
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