Example sentences of "is necessary [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 To understand them it is necessary to recollect that the period immediately after the publication of Morgenthau 's book was one in which a new behaviourist wave of thinking about the social sciences was sweeping the US academic community .
2 Since we want to address the question of involvement of cysteine residue *177 of the enzyme in the molecular mechanism of methyltransfer catalysis , it is necessary to demonstrate that the loss of catalytic activity of the Cys177Ser mutant is not due to a folding defect .
3 Or , to put it in another way , it is necessary to demonstrate that at least some non-reflexive relations are logically irreducible .
4 To do so , it is necessary to demonstrate that there has been no subsequent inconsistent amendment to the Bill and that the statement has not been subsequently withdrawn or varied .
5 3.1 Scope : activities restrained In order to demonstrate that a particular provision is reasonable between the parties it is necessary to demonstrate that the scope of those activities is reasonably referable to a legitimate interest , although it is not necessary to have absolute consistency between the restraint and the relevant interest .
6 In taking this up , however , it is necessary to realise that non-Republican people in the North are not disposed to agitate to get full civil rights for Republicans ; they have to be involved in their own interests .
7 To understand why Jews should be so possessive about a collective tragedy which touched many others , it is necessary to remember that this was mass murder specifically designed for Jews in which others were caught .
8 Moreover , it is necessary to remember that overall productivity will be affected by the pattern of demand for services ( because they vary in terms of their potential labour productivity ) as well as by the efficiency with which they are supplied .
9 In order to obtain perfect balance , therefore , in combining horns with trumpets or trombones , it is necessary to remember that 2 horns = 1 trumpet or 1 trombone in dynamic ranges above and including mezzo-forte .
10 It is necessary to remember that the speed with which an asset can be turned into cash is not a sufficient characteristic of an asset to make it liquid .
11 If a case falls midway between two authorities , this may indicate that there is a fundamental conflict of principle between the two authorities , and that it is necessary to hold that one of them was wrongly decided .
12 We shall return to the second part of the old horseman 's description : here it is necessary to emphasize that he used it in an exceptional way .
13 However , it is necessary to note that there is a limit to the number of variables that can be held constant in this way .
14 The nature of these skills will be discussed below , but at this point it is necessary to recognise that seeing the process in this , light may create a gap between a teacher 's purpose and a child 's purpose for engaging in project-work methods .
15 This was stated clearly in the paper that Thonemann and his team published in Nature on 25 January 1958 : ‘ To identify a thermonuclear process it is necessary to show that random collisions in the gas between deuterium ions are responsible for the nuclear reactions .
16 To test whether definitional overlap could contribute to such an application , it is necessary to show that where genuine semantic relationships are present between word pairs , the technique is sensitive to them .
17 Where there is a non-pecuniary interest it is not necessary to establish actual bias but it is necessary to show that the decision has given the appearance of bias .
18 To take the example given earlier , it is necessary to show that the statement about the toothache can indeed be paraphrased into a statement about the corresponding neuro-physiological event ( and hence that the occurrence of the latter event is a logically adequate criterion for ascribing the experience in the given instance ) , and this can not be done without making use of the premisses which such a proof might be expected to underpin .
19 However , in order to accept that such examples are evidence in favour of a Stem + Lexical Rules Hypothesis of entries in a mental lexicon , it is necessary to show that similar patterns of dissociation do not occur for other word-final fragments .
20 In order to accept that the data from speech errors are contrary to the Full Listing Hypothesis , it is necessary to show that the fate of inflections is different from that of other word-final fragments .
21 The reason for this is clear in Collins MR 's judgment where it was said that , in the case of a purchase of goods capable of a multitude of purposes , in order to invoke the implied condition , it was necessary to show that the goods were sold with reference to a particular purpose : … in order to give rise to the implication of a warranty , it is necessary to show that , though the article sold was capable of general use for many purposes , in the particular case it was sold with reference to a particular purpose .
22 From this general , and somewhat-pessimistic picture it is necessary to assert that in most regions there are quite distinct potentials for growth , but some of these are more easy to exploit than others , even given sufficient investment and other inputs .
23 It is necessary to assume that , once a logogen has reached threshold , its activation level must decay away rapidly .
24 Of course , it is necessary to assume that the questions , however they are phrased , are understood in the same way by all respondents whatever differences they may have in other respects , such as level of education or gender .
25 This length of time is necessary to ensure that adaptive changes occur to the lungs and heart .
26 The devolution of responsibility to hospitals , DHAs and FPCs may prevent the broadly-based planning which is necessary to ensure that such services continue to grow and prosper .
27 Alternatively , if in exercise of their supervisory duty under s.9(1) the disposal authority form the opinion that modification of the licence conditions is necessary to ensure that the disposal operation does not cause pollution to water or danger to public health , or become seriously detrimental to the amenities of the locality then s.7(1) ( b ) imposes a further duty on them , i.e. the disposal authority SHALL serve a notice on the company modifying the conditions .
28 Different viewpoints lead to different models which , in turn require different measures of performance , and it is necessary to ensure that the model used as the basis for the audit is one that reflects the organisation 's needs in relation to the procedure .
29 The ultra-violet process method will reproduce any flaws in the artwork , so it is necessary to ensure that there are no breaks in the conductor lines etc .
30 For the process to proceed smoothly it is necessary to ensure that responsibility for overall policy decisions is assigned to an appropriate individual or group ( for instance the managing director or the board of directors ) .
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