Example sentences of "is speak [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 've never heard so much rubbish in my life and what I 'm gon na try and do is speak to the policy of Percent for Art .
2 He is speaking for a Government which has been in power so long that it believes it has a God-given right to govern and denies anyone the right to criticise .
3 It is also clear that in the last two weeks the whole country , as it heard different voices and different noises , has wondered who is speaking for the Labour party .
4 A French Officer is speaking to a small group of NCOs as a thick mist is forming all around .
5 Thus , if you know the speaker is the prime minister or the departmental secretary or your family doctor or your mother , and you know that the speaker is speaking to a colleague or his bank manager or a small child , you will have different expectations of the sort of language which will be produced , both with respect to form and to content .
6 For example , to describe the lexicon , morphology and syntax of Javanese one would need to distinguish three levels of respect to addressees and two levels of respect to referents ( Geertz , 1960 ; Comrie , 1979b ) ; to describe the particles of a number of South American Indian languages one would need to distinguish between sentences that are central versus those that are peripheral to the telling of a story ( Longacre , 1976a ) ; to describe the third person pronouns of Tunica one would need to distinguish not only the sex of the referent , but also the sex of the addressee ( so there would be two words for " she " depending on whether one is speaking to a man or a woman ; Haas , 1964 ) , while in some Australian languages the pronouns encode the moiety or section ( kinship division ) of the referent , or the kinship relation between referents ( e.g. there are sometimes two words one of which means " you-dual of the same moiety " and another " you-dual in different moieties from each other " ; Dixon , 1980 : 2-3 ; Heath et al.
7 ( Trevor Newsom is speaking to the President by satellite from Luctia , interposed Derek Carlisle. ) 'How do you feel about the collapse of interplanetary trade ? ’ asked Trevor .
8 as if she were putting the same reel of film back in the projector , she ran through the whole scene once again : she is speaking to the visitor , Paul is watching them with astonishment , and the guest is saying : ‘ In your next life , do you want to stay together or never meet again ? ’
9 He is speaking to the scribes , to the Pharisees .
10 He is speaking to the scribes and Pharisees .
11 ‘ The self is speaking to the self .
12 Mr Millan is speaking at a lunch to be held at the SAS Royal Hotel in Brussels to celebrate the new venture , which is the first official joint undertaking of the two law societies [ which represent solicitors in their two jurisdictions ] .
13 The Prince of Wales is speaking at a housing conference in Glasgow .
14 For example , if a senior official of a Western company is speaking with a high-level Japanese manager , the interpreter will feel in an inferior position to both of them .
15 The hon. Gentleman is speaking from the Front Bench on behalf of his party .
16 He sits whispering to his neighbours while someone else is speaking in the debate .
17 Kylie is speaking after an amazing journey which tested her nerves to the full .
18 This is spoken at a time when the media are documenting despair amongst Cork Street galleries and recognition by major collectors such as the Saatchi family that the bottom has fallen out of the market for modern art .
19 Signed Danish is a gestural/auditive language in which Danish is spoken at the same time as signs from the Sign Language are used for all words which have a concept , and as far as possible grammatical rules [ are used ] from sign language .
20 Also known as Malayo-Polynesian , this is spoken over a vast area from Madagascar to Aotearoa(NZ) and includes at least 500 languages .
21 Also known as Malayo-Polynesian , this is spoken over a vast area from Madagascar to Aotearoa(NZ) and includes at least 500 languages .
22 This is spoken in the north and also understood in the eastern and western states ; but it receives short shrift once it ventures to enter the south .
23 Language : Khalkha Mongolian ; Kazakh is spoken in the province of Bayan-ölgiy .
24 See that erm yet together they will provide the permanent record of how the English language is spoken in the
25 The tapes and conversation details will all become completely anonymous no one will know who 's used the words or whose voice are on the tapes together they will provide a permanent record of how the English language is spoken in the nineteen nineties we 'll go down in posterity , eh ?
26 how they want to see how the English word is spoken in the nineteen nineties .
27 THE VERY first line of Edward Albee 's Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? - ‘ What a dump ! ’ — is spoken by the play 's feminine protagonist in a parody of the classic Bette Davis manner : an ( imaginary ) cigarette held imperiously at eye-level , eyes blazing like the headlamps of an automobile , bee-sting lips enunciating each word ( including the ‘ a ’ ) for absolutely maximum effect , almost as if they had been snipped out of a newspaper headline by a writer of anonymous letters .
28 The whole of this passage is spoken by the Wanderer , except for the last lines where the The Solitary ( called the Sceptic because he reads Voltaire ) answers back .
29 Rumanian is spoken by the peasants , and servants . ’
30 Dominica is one of the Eastern Caribbean islands where a French Creole is spoken by the older generation .
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