Example sentences of "is right [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Sir Ian is right to emphasise that plebeian savagery was more vulnerable than its patrician counterpart : cock-throwing declined while fox-hunting flour ished .
2 The hon. Gentleman is right to emphasise that the Severn tunnel has served the travelling public extremely well for many years .
3 No doubt Thomas Hardy 's biographer is right to conclude that the novelist 's sombre outlook on life was conditioned by his parents ’ practice of relating ‘ stories of suicides and executions . ’
4 Macdonald is right to state that future research must find out how genes and environment operate ( or co-operate ? ) and that newer twin study-designs may help with this .
5 Mr Lawson is right to argue that , given time , this desirable objective will be achieved .
6 While Fisher is right to argue that some important principles can , nevertheless , be applied , he is also right to say that the consumerist philosophy and concepts of compulsory care which involve acting in the individual 's interests are basically incompatible .
7 Keith Flett is right to claim that Labour needs active grassroots supporters to defeat the Tories ( Letters , 24 April ) .
8 Nevertheless , Scholes is right to say that ‘ interpretation is not a pure skill but a discipline deeply dependent on knowledge ’ ; as much was conceded by Richards in Practical Criticism , a fundamental text of the New Criticism , when he acknowledged that those who had not already read enough poetry would read poems badly .
9 Mr Lawson is right to say that deficits are more sustainable than they were in the 1970s .
10 Hall is right to say that current Labour and Liberal parties can not take on the task of realignment , but would be equally correct in saying they ca n't be by-passed .
11 ‘ Perhaps Terence is right to say that the most creative way to use psychedelics is in your own home , lying down in silence , ’ he continues .
12 He is right to say that the fares are too high even more so when the fare is the same whether you join the trains at Crewe or London .
13 It is right to say that the applicant asserts that since that time Mr. Tee has not been associated with the running of Winchester 's business , although of course on his own evidence he was the majority shareholder in that company .
14 … At the same time it is right to say that in her evidence … she repudiates the notion that any influence was exerted or any pressure put upon her , or that her husband made any misrepresentation to her .
15 Mr. Morgan : The Minister is right to say that the Department of Education and Science is formally and departmentally responsible .
16 Irina is right to say that when I lived on my own I was a lonely man .
17 Half the patients who require heart surgery are dealt with immediately , but the hon. Gentleman is right to say that some patients have to wait .
18 My hon. Friend is right to say that we live in an increasingly competitive environment and that much in the social action programme would damage that competitiveness within the European Community — to the interests of the Japanese , the United States and our other competitors .
19 My hon. Friend is right to say that the local income tax is not an alternative to council tax which commends itself to Conservative Members — or even to most Opposition Members , and he is right to say that anybody interested in knowing why local income tax will not work could do no better than to read the report of our proceedings in Committee .
20 My hon. Friend is right to say that the local income tax is not an alternative to council tax which commends itself to Conservative Members — or even to most Opposition Members , and he is right to say that anybody interested in knowing why local income tax will not work could do no better than to read the report of our proceedings in Committee .
21 My hon. Friend is right to say that there has been an enormous improvement .
22 My hon. Friend is right to say that BT is one of the leading companies and has made an important contribution to our economy .
23 My hon. Friend is right to say that the ophthalmology specialty in Plymouth hospital has had excessive waiting lists .
24 Although my hon. Friend is right to say that budget-holding practices have been outstandingly successful and are now very popular with most doctors —
25 He is right to say that a significant number of organs , which could be used for transplantation , are not used .
26 My hon. Friend is right to say that the Labour party is increasingly losing credibility with patients , the public and the NHS staff because we are seeing concrete achievements by the NHS as the reforms work out in practice .
27 My hon. Friend is right to say that the Labour party has been closely associated with the development of those dogmas over many years .
28 I know that that caused some concern , but , broadly speaking , my hon. Friend is right to say that standards in our schools are very good .
29 The Minister is right to say that people think of themselves as Yorkshiremen or Durhamers or Teessiders rather than Tynesiders .
30 My hon. Friend is right to say that British Rail needs to use available modern technology to reduce further the incidence of accidents involving loss of life and injury on the railways .
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