Example sentences of "is also chairman [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Kidd is also chairman of a working party which reports on the state of hotel fire safety across Europe and reviews the effectiveness of existing EC recommendations .
2 Sir Michael , who is already on the Whitbread board , is also chairman of the Board Remuneration and Audit Committees and is a non-executive director of Thorn EMI and British Airways .
3 Mr Gibbons is also chairman of bottle water company Highland Spring .
4 Mr De Haan , who is also chairman of Saga , said the group could not enjoy one of the most important advantages of being publicly quoted — using its shares to fund acquisitions — because the family was determined not to dilute its controlling interest .
5 The three members who have been chosen this year are Ron Waldron and John Ryan , two former national coaches , and John Maclean , one of the union 's national representatives who is also chairman of Llanelli .
6 He is also Chairman of the Historic Buildings Council for Wales and founder member of the National Heritage Memorial Fund .
7 The panel included Hampshire county councillor Keki Jessavala , Whitehall town councillor Jim Grieve , and East Hampshire District councillor , Lt.-Col. Michael Digby who is also chairman of Hawkley Parish Council .
8 No action has been initiated or is being contemplated by the club , although Ben 's father , Roger , who is also chairman of SCRFC , has engaged solicitors independently of the rugby club to determine if there was any negligence responsible for his son 's injuries .
9 As he is also chairman of the 100 Group of finance directors and regularly speaks at conferences and meetings , his timetable requires the skills of a juggler if not actually a magician !
10 The tycoon , who is also chairman of Dublin-based Independent Newspapers , now has a 1.3 per cent shareholding in the group .
11 The person to contact is USLP president James Clark who is also chairman of UST China : BR 1 Building , 2–3-18 Shiba Minato-ku , Tokyo 105 Japan .
12 In practice , the division may be honoured more in the breach than the observance ; the first Church Commissioner ( who is broadly responsible for its financial as distinct from political or pastoral duties ) is also chairman of the CBF .
13 He is also chairman of the Board of Governors of Leicester Polytechnic .
14 When the Conservatives are in opposition , the frontbench spokesman on each subject area is also chairman of the parallel party group , thus providing a direct channel of communication between backbench opinion and the Shadow Cabinet .
15 Mr Rubin , who is also chairman of Pentland Industries ( formerly the owner of Reebok shoes ) , said that he had brought Brassey ‘ mainly because I love books , and because this is a lovely little company in a niche area of business , with very good people involved .
16 Mr McDowell is also chairman of the Progressive Democrat party .
17 The head of state is the executive President , currently Didier Ratsiraka ; elected for seven years by universal adult suffrage , the President is also chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Council , which is defined in the Constitution as " the guardian of the Malagasy Socialist Revolution " .
18 Lansana Conte ( since 1984 ) , who is also Chairman of the CMRN , head of government , and Minister of Defence , Security , Planning and Co-operation and Information .
19 President : Col. Moaouia Ould Sidi Mohamed Taya who is also Chairman of the Military Council of National Salvation ( CMSN ) , Prime Minister and Minister of Defence .
20 The President is also chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Council , which is defined in the Constitution as " the guardian of the Malagasy Socialist Revolution " .
21 Er taking part in our presentation this morning is Frank , the Chief Executive of , of Pearson , er James , our Finance Director and David who is er our resident as Pearson Executive Director resident in the U S and he is also Chairman of our Oil Services Division .
22 Brian Baldock is also chairman of the Lord 's Taverners .
23 Mr Johnson , who is also chairman of Tranmere Rovers Football Club , said : ‘ The results of our refocusing are clearly shown in the increased profit , dividends and earnings per share .
24 Speakers will include council leader Mike Carr , who is also chairman of the City Challenge Board , and chamber president John Kirton .
25 He is also chairman of Lloyd 's , the insurance market which is expected to announce the worst loss in its 300-year history later this month .
26 Christine Cruice , whose daughter is a class eight cerebral palsy sportswoman , is also chairman of the national classification committee .
27 He is also chairman of the polytechnic board of governors and has given £100,000 to the new science school to help develop the study of chemical and biotechnological sciences .
28 He is also chairman of a board of school governors .
29 Mr Curtis , who is also chairman of Darlington & District Business Club , said : ‘ As far as local companies are concerned the business link is an exceptionally good idea .
30 Mr France , who is also chairman of the Darlington Business Venture , said Mr Milburn 's suggestion that home repossessions have doubled is a distortion .
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