Example sentences of "for [art] third world " in BNC.

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1 For the Third World or rather the underdeveloped world these questions have existed for the greater part of this century .
2 Of Pasolini 's ‘ growing passion for the Third World ’ Enzo Siciliano says : ‘ He had the idea that ‘ Negritude … will be the way' ’ .
3 ‘ Cities of the Immortals ’ will be set up by California-based company called the Heaven on Earth Corporation , many of them providing low-cost housing for the Third World .
4 Manley was aware that the high cost of modern anaesthetic apparatus was often prohibitive for hospitals in developing countries , and at the time of his death he was working on a prototype of an inexpensive , but effective ventilator for the Third World .
5 In practice , if not in spirit , there is a complete divorce between the ground floor , full of people who have walked in off the street , and the upper floors , where research and development on both hardware and software for the Third World take place .
6 His fight is not just for the Third World , but for North America and Europe as well .
7 For the Third World especially , it could solve a lot of problems
8 In the name of modernisation and professionalism , Chinese architects and civil engineers are not prepared to accept for the towns any of those policies which have made their own rural housing programme a model for the Third World .
9 Meaningful aid for the Third World
10 Those of Canon John 's professional musical friends who took part in the concert came from far and wide and gave their services as a gift to him in gratitude for being the leading light in all the musical ventures for the Third World while he was parish priest of St Joseph 's , Sale .
11 But it is hoped that in doing so , it will also help him to continue his untiring work for the Third World and enrich the lives of those poor people , particularly in Africa .
12 A sensible aid policy — not just for Russia and Eastern Europe , but for the third world in general — calls for careful priorities , realistic goals and , above all , an understanding that the quality of aid matters much more than the quantity .
13 At a later stage new communication technologies and their assumed or actual benefits and pitfalls for the Third World captivated WACC 's attention .
14 The latest edition of Cine & Media , published by the International Catholic Organisation for Cinema and Audiovisual ( OCIC ) , is a special multilingual catalogue prepared for the Third World Forum of Educational and Religious Video .
15 The latest edition of Cine & Media , published by the International Catholic Organisation for Cinema and Audiovisual ( OCIC ) , is a special multilingual catalogue prepared for the Third World Forum of Educational and Religious Video .
16 It is tinged sometimes with a blinkered nostalgia , a belief that there really was a Golden Age in the countryside when humans and nature were in harmony ; at others with an ugly neo-colonialism , a conviction that wilderness are all right for the Third World , but not for us civilised folk .
17 The kettle-out-of-tin-can-makers of Accra , the barefoot engineers of Bombay , and the hawkers of everything-under-the sun of Jakarta were showing flexibility and perhaps even salvation for the Third World poor .
18 When the Foreign Secretary visits the Group of Seven summit in the summer , will he bang some heads together to try to bring forward a new deal for the third world ?
19 Among other issues raised by delegates , the newly appointed Vice-President of Nigeria , Augustus Aikhomu , suggested that Africa should have representation on the Security Council through a permanent member , while the President of Uganda , Yoweri Museveni , appealed to all UN members to support debt forgiveness for the Third World .
20 Grunte , who had little time for the Third World , said that as far as he was concerned , most of it seemed to have moved to Birmingham .
21 Even those writers who specifically warned against using the historical experiences of contemporary rich countries as a guide for the Third World could not resist drawing some conclusions from the realm of foreign trade .
22 What I do say to the honourable gentleman is his argument is rubbish , bad for the third world , bad for the people of Europe and outside Mr Deputy Speaker I 'd be glad to give him his answer although quite rightly to say I ca n't give it here .
23 There are also substantial financial attractions for a Third World country in becoming someone 's dustbin .
24 The theory is that development for a Third World country is not possible within the orbit of capitalist imperialism , a dependency theory of the type discussed in Chapter 2 ; while the experience is that FDI has often led to some ‘ development ’ , apparently for the benefit of all .
25 Boxing experts say Bruno , desparate for a third world title challenge , has never been better prepared .
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