Example sentences of "for [art] good reason " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Today 's game is only of relative importance , not just because it is a friendly but for the good reason that today 's Argentina bears little resemblance to the one that will play in next summer 's finals .
2 ‘ Today 's game is only of relative importance , not just because it is a friendly but for the good reason that today 's Argentina bears little resemblance to the one that will play in next summer 's finals .
3 This was not confirmed by Port Stanley for the good reason that we were no longer in contact with Port Stanley .
4 Albert as chairman asked me a number of questions to which he already knew the answers for the good reason that we had already gone over them in Fulham .
5 The minute stopped the Cabinet committee dead in its tracks — for the good reason that I was not prepared to go on .
6 We 've already designated Spectra or Dyneema line for your stunter and for the good reason that this material is not only lightest for its strength , but that it also has the property of sliding on itself even with as many as fifteen twists between flyer and kite .
7 Gregory 's Pastoral Care said nothing about this aspect of a bishop 's work for the good reason that jurisdictions such as that claimed by Canterbury did not exist in his day .
8 These are caves you should see , for the good reason that they were lived in .
9 The inhabitants of Mauléon remained pro-English rather longer than most , for the good reason that they found that to be governed from England was the nearest one could then come to being autonomous .
10 We shall never know , for the good reason that writing is the destruction of every voice , of every point of origin .
11 He had reluctantly decided against John Jasper , for the good reason that there being nothing distinctive about his dress , no one would realise who he was .
12 Unlike most stockbroking firms Vine-Lott can not tell you how many clients he has , for the good reason that much of his business comes from the Barclays branch network , with the individual branch counted as the client rather than the individuals who buy and sell shares in the particular branch .
13 In London the supermarkets already dominate the milk supply business , for the good reason that they are open late at night which is when the singles do their shopping and can sell it much more cheaply , 35p against 40p .
14 Pride that demanded she ask Naylor Massingham for a better reason for sacking her than the fact that his cousin was making himself ill over her .
15 For a good reason , but also for a bad one , this latest change in Iran 's persona is being looked at seriously .
16 This time , the exact number of moves per game was not fixed at 200 but was left open , for a good reason that I shall come to later .
17 Spectator sports like football are normally zero sum games for a good reason .
18 Hoomey 's trunks had green pineapples and monkeys printed on them ; Nails picked up lost or abandoned ( usually for a good reason ) trunks in the changing room and only Jazz had a reasonable garment .
19 Just as zooming should be done only for a good reason , panning is also a camera move which should be used sparingly if it is not to become visually irritating .
20 These fortifications deserve a word : much of what survives is of fourth-century date , for a good reason : in the fifth century Athens had her fleet , and that was the chief instrument of her classical imperialism .
21 " I know you come over a little shy when I talk about you this way , Chuck , but I do it for a good reason , " continued the senator , lighting a Havana cigar with elaborate care .
22 Ontario was designed by a master hand , with many built-in contrasts — for example , compare the eerie wind sculpted rocks at Tobermory ( Flowerpot Island got its name for a good reason ) and the twists and turns of the 1,000 islands to the smooth , sandy beaches at Grand Bend or the rolling farmland in Mennonite country .
23 ‘ You must have done it for a good reason .
24 Various factors could prevent the tenant from commencing to trade within a specified period and where a tenant has fitted out the premises and is paying a full rent ( or using up a rent free period ) the tenant would hopefully only delay opening for trade for a good reason .
25 Nobody in any sector , public or private , should offer benefits unless for a good reason .
26 my Lord I , I think it takes the view and probably not unreasonably that assuming good faith on the part of the disciplinary tribunal and assuming that there is er review by the courts , you will have complete objectivity and someone who has been excluded for a good reason , maybe fraud or something of that nature should not be competing in the first place , but he will not be excluded unreasonably and therefore if he was excluded unreasonably erm the fact of he 's exclusion could be anti competitive because it takes out of the market a player
27 You will require much more to attain a good flavour and will therefore be raising your fat consumption for no good reason .
28 The essence of the court 's answer was that ‘ It is not in the public interest that people should try to cause or should cause each other actual bodily harm for no good reason . ’
29 The translation from an ordinary barrister to the prestigious — and much more lucrative — title of Queen 's Counsel , ‘ taking silk ’ , is , for no good reason also administered by the Lord Chancellor 's department , rather than by the profession itself , which further consolidates the relationship .
30 And if national sentiment in the other , France , was initially a response to the threat from England , just as it was in Scotland , there was no doubt of France 's position by the end of the fifteenth century ; the dazzling army and glittering artillery train which Charles VIII led down through the length of Italy in 1494 — for no good reason other than that a young king , with a well-stuffed treasury , would naturally use his wealth to win military renown — symbolized in the most spectacular manner what this kingdom , so recently weakened by war and internal dissension , had now become .
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