Example sentences of "was attempting [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the serrated gratings must have sufficiently broken the crust of the brick-broken mutilated plastimetal that covers a great deal of the world that is an eyeball , and little light yellow-green stubs poked through , cos the Sun was still up there , way up there , even though someone had devised a new kind of force of matter transference and was attempting to move the Sun to his laboratory-country where it would be used to grow humlants — in which the old human brain was to be stretched in durable fibrosity and connected inextricably to root and flower , making rings of energy that took their partners for a whaltz or a flexitrot and multiplied their species by being fried on a plasetal plate whose temperature was so great that they never actually touched it but skimmed over , coming off the other side as a more-than-when-they-started .
2 In September 1066 , King Harold defeated his brother Tostig , who was attempting to regain the earldom of Northumbria with the help of the King of Norway , in a fierce and bloody battle on the banks of the river Derwent .
3 The Soviet Union , which voted against , said that the report was attempting to justify the " annexationist activities of the Administering Authority " [ see p. 36701 ] .
4 But her earlier beating caused her to move slowly and as she was attempting to open the window in order to jump out , her father strode into the room .
5 Nor is there anything to suggest that Gregory was attempting to create a new genre of national historiography , although his History is often , misleadingly , described as a history of the Franks .
6 I will because Mr Mayor I think that councillor started off his response to this by talking about ghettos and a lot of differences between the better off and the worst off and I , the feeling I got from his speech was that what he was actually driving at was he was attempting to perpetuate the class distinction that the Labour party have been so bound up with over the years .
7 On a more pragmatic , but related , issue , students were finding it harder to ‘ pass ’ inference skills IN 1–3 , than IN 4–6 , and since this had important implications for their grading , I was attempting to remediate the early skills on an ad hoc basis with some non-subject-specific pencil and paper exercises .
8 However , at a time when the Tour was attempting to extend the early part of the year 's schedule , players had to be tolerant , added Schofield .
9 William Lukin set course to the south , arriving in the search area at 0330 to find that the Nimrod had successfully located the casualty and that the Army Air Corps helicopter was attempting to winch the survivors off .
10 Suspicion began to be voiced that the minority was attempting to control the Council by a delaying tactic which would render it ineffectual and , as the number of bishops attending declined , unrepresentative of the Church at large .
11 When Galileo compared the rate of fall of different materials he was attempting to answer a fundamental question : he wanted to know whether the gravitational attraction on different materials was the same .
12 Had he worried about the possibility of atomic warfare when he was attempting to split the atom , he would never have gone on ; and we would have lost the many benefits nuclear physics has given us , such as freely available power and treatment of disease .
13 It would seem , therefore , that Bukharin was attempting to set the drive for industrialisation within the wider socio-political framework of the worker-peasant alliance upon which NEP was founded , rather than within merely narrow ‘ economic ’ guidelines .
14 Jane Pargeter said nothing for a moment , tugging back her cheeks in a wince that looked to Dexter as if she was attempting to suppress a smile .
15 Everything below , we were sure , was exactly as it would have appeared in centuries past-apart from one major anachronism , a bright yellow construction crane , which was attempting to plant the last monolith in the stone circle .
16 Several of the closed files on the BF seem to refer to their activity in Italy through their links with the International Centre of Fascist Studies , and the Foreign Office was aware that a British resident called Captain Strina was attempting to form a legion of the organization amongst expatriates in that country .
17 A notable absentee from the pact was Egypt , whose leader , Colonel Nasser , was attempting to maintain a balance between the two superpowers .
18 As the Scouts approached the amputee , he was attempting to rock the weight of the cauldron .
19 That the local council was attempting to get the building listed .
20 For example , in early 1983 MP Jack Ashley was attempting to secure the passage of a Private Member 's Bill through parliament which would require pharmaceutical companies to establish a ‘ no blame compensation fund ’ .
21 A small group of AHA members , in consultation with officers and the heads of professions , was attempting to develop a plan in line with the recommendations of national policy .
22 The issue of Iraq 's military capability and long-term strategy remained to the fore during the rest of April with the emergence of British allegations that Baghdad was attempting to develop an enormous cannon , possibly with the intention of launching a satellite .
23 Massingberd-Mundy , a 62-year-old former Royal Navy submarine commander of South Ormsby Hall , Louth , was attempting to quash a decision by the Club to strike him off the list of potential chairmen of the stewards ' panel at Doncaster racecourse .
24 Preobrazhensky was claiming to be an orthodox Marxist , and indeed claimed that his opponents were vulgarisers , but he was attempting to apply the method of historical materialism in an un- historical manner .
25 As a result of the ‘ crisis of wholeness ’ , which Erikson sees as marking the end of childhood , I was attempting to achieve a ‘ sense of inner identity ’ .
26 Mr Chihana , the secretary-general of the influential Southern Africa Trade Union Co-ordination Council , who flew from Johannesburg to Lilongwe , Malawi 's capital , was detained while he was attempting to read a prepared statement after he descended the steps of a South African Airways flight .
27 At the same time as I was writing some correspondence ( including the note to you ) , I was attempting to organise the hand-over of certain severely disturbed patients to various colleagues who were to assume responsibility for them during the long vacation .
28 Lord Milton , for example , came close to doing that while he was attempting to strengthen the position of Sir James Campbell of Ardkinglas as the Administration 's candidate for the representation of Stirlingshire .
29 He protested that he was attempting to unlock the door .
30 Vietnam was attempting to make the transition to socialism at a time when the international situation had undergone major changes .
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