Example sentences of "was awarded the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was awarded the Air Force Cross in 1919 .
2 The keynote speakers are Barrie McMahon and Robyn Quin , media education specialists from western Australia , Susan Cole , journalist , researcher and teacher from Canada , and Barry Duncan , who was awarded the McCanse Award for Individual Contribution to Media Literacy .
3 After extensive negotiations , Wimpol was awarded the location and recovery contract .
4 To the public , especially the British public , fed by its rabid tabloid press , it seemed an absurd technicality ; further , given the power of Ferrari within the sporting authorities , there was a widespread belief that there was a plot against Master James and to hand the championship to Lauda , who was awarded the race while Hunt was disqualified .
5 A Short Film About Killing ( Decalogue V ) marked its premiere at the 1988 Cannes Film Festival where it was awarded the Jury and International Film Critic 's prize .
6 John Hayward was awarded the Kenneth Smith Scholarship last year and sent us this report about the Eagles in Kulu
7 He was awarded the DSO and the military CBE by the British , the Croix de Guerre by the French and made a Commander of the Legion of Merit by the Americans .
8 In the defence of Tobruk his battery shot down more than 50 Stuka dive-bombers , for which he was awarded the DSO .
9 He fought in South Africa from March 1900 until October 1901 and was awarded the DSO .
10 On the first anniversary of that invasion , when thousands of Czechoslovak demonstrators were dispersed on Mr Husak 's orders by the police with military support , he was awarded the Order of Lenin , the highest honour the Russians could give him , and his acceptance of it sealed his fate once and for all Within two years of becoming party leader he purged all but 26 of the central committee members who had been in office before the invasion .
11 My father , who spent the first quarter of a century in Chile , was awarded the Order of Merit .
12 He was awarded the Order of the Silver Wolf for his services to scouting .
13 For this achievement he was awarded the Order of Lenin .
14 It is generally stated that Vlasov was awarded the Order of Lenin in February 1941 and the Order of the Red Banner in January 1942 ; however , a photograph of summer 1942 clearly shows him wearing two badges of the latter , as here .
15 For his work in this field he was awarded the Order of the Hop medal at the International Hop Growers Congress in Tasmania in 1986 .
16 In 1967 an international piano competition bearing his name was established and four years later he was awarded the Erasmus Prize .
17 The first of these , Sea Change , was awarded the Carnegie Medal in 1948 and in an interview the author explained the way in which he was using the adventure-story genre :
18 Mrs Laxmi Swami , who told the court her employers wrenched out two of her gold teeth and kept her without food for days , was awarded the damages , and costs estimated at £100,000 , against Princesses Faria and Simiya Al Sabah , sisters of the Emir of Kuwait .
19 Brian Herring FCA was awarded the MVO , and CIPFA 's Jo Carey , a former member of the European Court of Auditors , became a CMG .
20 Mr Edwards , 50 , who was awarded the Queen 's Gallantry Medal for helping to save the life of World Champion Niki Lauda in 1976 , previously ran the Jaguar sponsorship programme for six years .
21 First introduced in 1976 , the 405 proved to be one of Quad 's most successful products and was the first of their amplifier 's to use the famous ‘ Current Dumping ’ circuit for which the company was awarded the Queen 's Award for Technological Achievement .
22 For his bravery in rescuing 100 survivors from the frigate HMS Antelope and getting them onto his Royal Marine landing craft , Colour Sgt Johnston was awarded the Queen 's Gallantry Medal posthumously .
23 His commander on that mission , Lt Alex Watts , of Mold , was awarded the Queen 's Gallantry Medal in the honours announced at the weekend .
24 One deaf woman mill-worker , Mary Swain of Oldham was awarded the B.E.M. for her wartime work .
25 In Vienna , a Rottweiler was awarded the title King of the Guide Dogs .
26 In 1985 he was awarded the CBE .
27 He married his second wife Kay in 1980 and was awarded the CBE two years later .
28 In 1969 he was awarded the CBE for services to the theatre .
29 THE Marchioness of Anglesey , who was admitted to the Royal Victorian Order in today 's honours , was awarded the CBE in 1977 and became a Dame of the British Empire in 1983 .
30 Paul Loveluck , 51 , chief executive of the Wales Tourist Board since 1984 , was awarded the CBE .
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