Example sentences of "was obtained from [art] " in BNC.

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1 This sponge with a calcite skeleton was obtained from a gravel , an unusual type of rock in which to find fossils It is a broadly cup-shaped sponge , rapidly expanding from a narrow base .
2 This specimen was obtained from a tunnel under London !
3 One sample of bones was obtained from a collection of pine marten scats ( Table 2.5 ) .
4 Eventually , a supply was obtained from a Longsight D.M.U. which was being scrapped .
5 A sample was finally constructed by using the files of a local vicar and a list of West Indian parents which was obtained from a local junior school . ’
6 A single clone , pSmY2.6 , which overlaps with the 3' end of pcSmY1.4 , was obtained from a S. macroura genomic library .
7 In practice , most information was obtained from a single highly intelligent , articulate and linguistically aware speaker , on whom Dixon relied almost totally ; his procedure then was to check the data for idiolectal idiosyncrasies against the judgement of one other .
8 Human IL-6 was obtained from a recombinant vaccinia virus as described previously ( 19 ) and used at a concentration of 1000U/ml .
9 Before each study informed consent was obtained from a parent , and assent was obtained from any subject seven years of age or older .
10 Support for this assumption was obtained from a similar study in pigs that showed that amino acids derived from the extracellular space were used directly for pancreatic enzyme synthesis .
11 Hybrid JF1-23B13 ( 25 ) was obtained from a fusion of hamster cell line Ade6 ( CHO proline auxotroph ) and human lymphoblasts carrying a balanced t ( 10 ; 21 ) ( p11.2 ; q22.3 ) translocation ( cell line GM06135 ; NIGMS Human Genetic Mutant Cell Repository , Camden , NJ ) .
12 ( Temperature chart information was obtained from the Overseas Enquiries desk of the met Office Advisory Service , March 1989 . )
13 This specimen was obtained from the Baltic bays .
14 The little money that was needed to pay state taxes and church tithes and to fund festivals , was obtained from the sale of cotton lengths , which were made by the women .
15 Characteristically , the curare was obtained from the one source where the material obtained might be properly characterized , the laboratory of Henry Dale .
16 To avoid single-line and passing - loops construction , special dispensation was obtained from the Board of Trade for the north-bound line to be laid in the gutter .
17 The imprimatur was obtained from the Papal censor and the book was published in 1632 .
18 The data about the number of audit firm partners ( defined under the audit regulations as ‘ responsible individuals ' ) was obtained from the computerised public audit register as at November 1992 and from the institutes ' lists of members .
19 The normal slowdown is represented by The parameters of this normal pre-glitch behaviour were obtained from a best fit for rotation rate and its first derivative , made over the preceding 400 days ; the value of the second derivative was obtained from the full data set from 1969 to 1992 .
20 Informed consent was obtained from the subjects .
21 Despite all his careful preliminary research , Bjornsson discovered that if he calculated a formula from one half of his data he obtained a completely different equation from that which was obtained from the other half .
22 Permission was obtained from the APU and HMSO to make up a test of APU items for the purpose of comparing different samples participating in the project .
23 When the Demidovs had first built mines and smelting works in the hills , they had been fortified and special permission was obtained from the government for the industrialists to hire a private army for protection .
24 That statement was not , in my view , ever intended to acknowledge the existence of any wider discretion than to exclude ( 1 ) admissible evidence which would probably have a prejudicial influence upon the minds of the jury that would be out of proportion to its true evidential value ; and ( 2 ) evidence tantamount to a self-incriminatory admission which was obtained from the defendant , after the offence had been committed , by means which would justify a judge in excluding an actual confession which had the like self-incriminating effect .
25 A history was obtained from the mother or guardian about the presence of rapid breathing , chest retraction , grunting , fever , refusal to breast feed or drink , difficulty in arousal , and blue appearance .
26 Prototheca wickerhamii ( strain 263-11 ) was obtained from the ‘ Sammlung von Algenkulturen , Göttingen , Germany ’ and grown as described ( 25 ) .
27 Existing basic pay information was obtained from the BAA computer and associated with the appropriate person 's record .
28 This is the culmination of a unique 18 months engineering programme which achieved its objective on 23rd December when Consent to Start-up was obtained from the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate ( NII ) .
29 The scale was obtained from the longitudinal records of naturalistic speech of 128 normal children between 15 months and 5 years .
30 New non-specialist periodicals were to be in Arabic unless permission for the use of a foreign language was obtained from the government-appointed Higher National Council for Information and Communication [ see p. 37218 for adoption in July 1989 of information code creating this Council ] .
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