Example sentences of "was quick [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Churchill was quick to repudiate the Munich agreement , but we still remember it with shame . "
2 Franco was quick to exploit the lack of unity in Allied attitudes to Spain , accusing the United States of intransigence and ingratitude and stating defiantly that Spain would not curtail its aid to Germany under Allied duress .
3 And he was quick to acknowledge the threat posed by the vastly-experienced Houghton as Leeds bid to build on Saturday 's opening win over Wimbledon .
4 Mr Don McKinnon , New Zealand 's Deputy Prime Minister and External Affairs Minister , was quick to welcome the French decision yesterday , saying it would remove a contentious issue in relations between the South Pacific countries and France .
5 The Chancellor was quick to welcome the signs of recovery and repeat his view that he has cut interest rates far enough already to ensure a recovery .
6 But Bryan was quick to deny the gossip , while the finger of suspicion moved to his old buddy and fellow Texan Longhorn Wyatt .
7 He was quick to see the possibilities for travel which the newly invented railways presented , and he reacted speedily when the SS Great Britain ran aground in Dundrum Bay by organizing an excursion to view the stranded ship in 1847 .
8 This new generation of artists was quick to see the advantages of the , exciting paints .
9 Billing was quick to see the military significance of air power , and this gave purpose to an otherwise chaotic life .
10 Master-in-charge , Austin Jessop , was quick to stress the excellence of the Newington side and to suggest that they would almost certainly have won either at the end of the tour or into a domestic season .
11 The newly established British Medical Journal was quick to stress the general benefits to public morality if the legislation were imposed on the northern cities .
12 NEW Darlington manager Ray Hankin was quick to applaud the volume of vocal backing after the Quakers ' 1–0 win at Bradford last weekend .
13 Pierre Reverdy , a young friend and supporter of Picasso and Braque , was quick to realize the fact that true Cubism had not been the product of pictorial doctrines and theories , and also that the search for the means of expressing a new concept of form and space had made Cubism a style of almost unequalled pictorial discipline .
14 He must have learnt a great deal from Thomas May , and from him also acquired an enthusiasm for pottery , but he was quick to grasp the crucial principle that the changes in the form of some vessels was due to a chronological development , an idea that had eluded May , who never rose much above the level of that of ‘ an indefatigable draughtsman ’ , as his Antiquaries ' obituary rather dismissively calls him .
15 Again Law succeeded by unorthodoxy ; he was quick to grasp the essentials of an opponent 's argument and quite prepared to be rude or direct if the situation demanded it .
16 Stephen was quick to appreciate the sense of Jonadab 's advice .
17 Wordsworth was quick to take the measure of his new acquaintance .
18 Laurent was quick to take the opportunity of correcting his first impressions in several places after Green 's maps were published and Charles Roeder is strong in his contempt .
19 The Prime Minister was quick to claim the credit for abolishing the tax on workplace nurseries .
20 ‘ There 's nothing to worry about , ’ Lindsey was quick to offer the smiling reassurance .
21 China was quick to repay the favour .
22 However , promoter Tommy Gilmour , who also manages the 26- year-old Scottish challenger , was quick to quash the accusation that Clinton uses his head illegally .
23 Lowe was quick to learn the various practices of the law profession , and decided upon conveyancing — transferring property from one person to another by purchase , lease or deed — as that branch of the law where his deafness was less of a handicap , and did so well that in the Michaelmas Term of 1829 , he took the prescribed oaths publicly in the Temple Hall and emerged as a Barrister of the Middle Temple — a most unprecedented event which created a sensation in the profession .
24 Gay was quick to seize the idea .
25 Buoyed up by a wave of patriotic outrage rooted in the well-established propensity of liberal England to display shame at the actions of its Governments , the left was quick to seize the opportunities presented by Munich .
26 When Arafat met with King Husayn and President Mubarak in Aqaba in October 1988 amid reports of negotiations on a Palestinian Jordanian confederation , UNLU was quick to condemn the idea and express its own concern : ‘ when the Palestine National Movement is increasingly united around clear , unambiguous political proposals , rumors of confederation negotiations are worrying and confusing . ’
27 The MP for the area , Peter Butler , was quick to condemn the attack .
28 She was quick to tell the world that Britain would not stand for anything which undermined the role of the queen , ‘ our beloved monarch ’ , or of our 700-year-old parliament .
29 After the shooting , Joaquin Villalobos , an FMLN leader , was quick to denounce the police , saying that ‘ this is the kind of thing we thought was over . ’
30 Carling was quick to praise the Aussies , insisting : ‘ I have tremendous respect for Australia , who are great world champions .
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