Example sentences of "was making [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The parade was making for the Assembly Hall .
2 He was making for the door when he stopped and half turned back towards her and said , ‘ By the way , Aggie , very little escapes you , as I know only too well , but have you noticed any difference in Jessie of late ? ’
3 Strangely this pledge was nearly fulfilled , for when the crippled Bismarck was making for the shelter of Brest , the U.556 , returning from patrol , came within torpedo firing range of the aircraft carrier Ark Royal , then hurrying north to intercept the German battleship .
4 By the time he reached the gallery his mother was at the far end of the broad corridor , but she was n't going into her room or into his room , she was making for the attic stairs , and now it was his turn to raise his eyebrows .
5 I was making for the hills , and hoping to come back through Peterchurch . ’
6 She was making for the telephone box outside the Broken Dolls Hospital when she heard the puttering of a motorcycle engine as it reduced speed in the gutter behind her .
7 This confused Benny at first , until she realized that they must have been going deeper into the complex , while Froebe would have assumed she was making for the outside .
8 There was no time to get you because she was making for the gate . ’
9 ‘ I 'll see you in the morning , Grandma , ’ Lizzie was making for the door .
10 Well , at about half-seven he 'd gone into a restaurant in St Giles ‘ , Browns ; had a nice steak , with a bottle of red wine ; left at about half-nine — and was strolling down to The Randolph when he 'd met Mrs Sheila Williams , just outside the Taylorian , as she was making for the taxi-rank .
11 You know , I think this is the distinction that Bob was making about the words , and the meaning .
12 There were , on the other hand , a lot of interesting points at issue , the most important being the use the present council was making of the housing subsidy .
13 She seemed to stand staring at the two of them , and they at her , for a long time , while outside , where night was making of the road a strange country , the vegetation grew black and monstrous .
14 He was reading a newspaper , apparently oblivious to the contribution he was making to the traffic chaos .
15 The choices she faces are the choices that India itself was making at the time . ’
16 I did not even complain to the British Medical Association — as I was in law entitled so to do — about the gross impertinence of a certain toothy and incompetent doctor in this very borough who imagined in his stupidity that I was incapable of reading upside-down the notes he was making on the other side of a desk at which I was once unwise enough to sit .
17 Willie peered in the window and wiped away the mist his breath was making on the glass .
18 The occasion was a documentary film I was making on the life of Airey Neave , the MP who had masterminded her election to the Tory leadership and , as Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , been killed by an IRA car bomb when leaving the Palace of Westminster .
19 But Henry was more concerned about the political repercussions of the advances he was making on the Continent than about the troubles of the church of Canterbury .
20 Two candles would be wasteful but the small stitches she was making in the soft leather swam before her eyes in the poor light .
21 Well this year 's capital expenditure will be around twenty five million and last year 's figure was twenty three million the point I was making in the speech was that twenty three million included nine million pounds for the , we must have some static in our nine million pounds for the purchase of freeholds , erm but the capital expenditure this year is spread right across the operation includes introduction of erm re-fits in a number of stores includes expansion in France , investment in systems and hardware and indeed also includes ah about five million pounds for a retail park development which I also referred to the park development on which we have an interest in the sense that we are developing an M F I store .
22 It 's a lot of money Well this is that Ian was making in the first place is n't it , product actually
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