Example sentences of "was almost at [art] " in BNC.

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1 London was almost at a standstill , said the man in the cigarette queue , and now it was Liverpool 's turn .
2 Throughout his life Coleridge found such resolutions far easier to make than to abide by , and in reality his university career was almost at an end , as was any possibility of academic distinction .
3 Despite this bad start , this was to be the only meeting the unit was to have with Müncheberg 's Messerschmitts , for their time in Sicily was almost at an end .
4 Tom Reynolds had been a loyal and useful ally but now his usefulness was almost at an end .
5 The journey was almost at an end .
6 It was almost at the end of surgery and it was almost as if the doctor were expecting me ; and later , I could hardly wait to tell Leo what had happened .
7 Mick had arrived before me and was almost at the front .
8 He lifted his eyes and saw that he was almost at the top .
9 Silver was almost at the crest when suddenly , from half-way up , there came a high screaming — the sound a rabbit makes , not to call for help or to frighten an enemy , but simply out of terror .
10 Daak was almost at the front of the platform now , behind the vitreous bubble that protected the cockpit .
11 Then , it seemed hours later , when he sensed or smelt or somehow divined that he was almost at the road , there came , as likely as not out of his own imagination , the delicate sound of an indrawn breath .
12 She was almost at the door when Rain said : ‘ I 'll come with you .
13 Sitting on the tall range , its small legs sticking out over the bright brass rail which acted both as a safety barrier round the hotplates and as a place to hang grubby kitchen towels , the small attendant 's face was almost at the same level as the human 's .
14 She was almost at the first port of call — one of Luke 's list .
15 She liked Min and Jo and so she walked past the newsagents smiling , without noticing until she was almost at the next newsagents , which ran out of her newspaper by ten in the morning .
16 I was almost at the centre of the group when I saw the light in the trees .
17 I was almost at the corner of Stuart Street when a car slowed up into the corner of my eye .
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