Example sentences of "was the same age " in BNC.

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1 She was the same age as Amy — well , a year older , since her twenty-third birthday last month — and Amy 's life might already be over .
2 I had no doubt he was the same age as me — his round face was not particularly lined — but he had the hairline of a ninety-year-old .
3 The only girl , Roberta , or Berta , as the family called her , was the same age as her cousin Sandy and although ‘ chesty ’ as they said , she was certainly spirited enough , and more than kept up with all the boys .
4 Osgood was the same age as JTR and it is a pity that JTR did not continue northward from Gairloch and possibly meet this incredible man whose life and family chronicled in A Hundred Years in the Highlands gives such detailed insight into the times .
5 Julian Hayman was the same age as Quinn and they had known each other when Quinn lived in London and worked for the underwriting firm specializing in protection and hostage release .
6 I was the same age as Mandy Smith , Bill Wyman 's ex-wife , when their affair started .
7 He was the same age as old Jack Ryan and well remembered the smell of the pigs he brought with him into the pub of an evening .
8 Each visitor receives a ‘ passport ’ bearing the story of an actual victim or survivor who was the same age and gender as the visitor .
9 The painting , form the Arles period , was the same age as the company .
10 Although she called me ‘ boy ’ , she was the same age as me , but she seemed much older than me .
11 He was the same age as Syl , after all , and Syl wanted me to go with him for reasons of his own .
12 Since she was the same age as Julius , she had to be in her mid-thirties , but her skin was smooth and unlined .
13 Eric and I had to restrain him at times when he wanted to do something like throw little Paul into the water to see if he 'd float , or like when he wanted to fell a tree over the railway line that goes through Porteneil , but as a rule we got on surprisingly well , even though it rankled to see Eric , who was the same age as Blyth , obviously in fear of him .
14 Not just because she was the same age , but because she had such a dreadful illness , just when she should be enjoying life .
15 One woman , Helen Edwards , said she was horrified to discover that James was the same age as her son Mark .
16 Ten years ago , I met an attractive woman who was the same age as my mother .
17 Their younger daughter was the same age as Suzannah and went to and went to the same national school .
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