Example sentences of "was the [num ord] occasion " in BNC.

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1 Bush appeared to have recovered from what was later described as gastric influenza by the following day , but this was the second occasion within a year that the health of the 67-year-old President — and the possible succession of Vice-President Dan Quayle — had become a major news issue [ see p. 38183 ] .
2 That was the first occasion when I saw my exercising as an irritating use of time , because it got in the way of our friendship .
3 This was the first occasion when I experienced the disillusion of actually seeing a place I had come to love through a poem — that had been , in Drinkwater 's phrase , ‘ lissom in a dream ’ .
4 The centre of the discussion was the school curriculum ; and it was frequently observed at the time that this was the first occasion on which politicians or the public at large had concerned themselves with what had hitherto been a wholly professional matter .
5 I had been along this track many times , and this was the first occasion on which I hesitated to pass the rocks .
6 This was the first occasion in which Britons in their millions had read , and begun to digest , the thought that all was not well with our eating habits in this relatively well-fed world of ours .
7 The Big Bang may have encouraged a greater familiarity among companies with search firms , simply because it was the first occasion when they had called on their services , often reluctantly and as a last resort .
8 It was the first occasion in her life that she had had to take stock of it .
9 It was the first occasion on which the atomic constitution of matter had been recognised as producing visible effects .
10 So far as I am aware , this was the first occasion on which it was made clear that the period which elapses before a prisoner serving a life sentence is released is determined by consideration of two factors , namely : ( i ) the period necessary to satisfy retribution and deterrence , which has come to be called ‘ the tariff ; ’ and ( ii ) a possible further period if it is thought by the Parole Board and/or the Secretary of State that the prisoner would pose an unacceptable risk of danger to the public were he to be released at the end of his tariff period .
11 This was the first occasion on which the ancestors of the modern Slovenes found themselves included in a political unit which extended into central Europe .
12 It was the first occasion , but by no means the last , on which I stayed in a monastery .
13 On Nov. 27 , 1989 , mujaheddin representatives handed over two Soviet prisoners of war to the Soviet ambassador to Pakistan in Peshawar ; this was the first occasion on which the rebel forces had released any Soviet prisoners .
14 The Judaization of Jerusalem had been under way since the Israelis occupied the whole city in 1967 , but this was the first occasion on which Jews had moved into the Christian Quarter .
15 It was the first occasion on which the country had voted since Gen. Manuel Noriega was removed from power by US forces in December 1989 and replaced by President Guillermo Endara Gallimany [ see pp. 37112-13 ] .
16 It was the first occasion on which the giant warship 's guns had been fired in action since the Korean war .
17 The engagement was the first occasion on which the US had admitted to the capture of enemy ground units inside Iraqi-controlled territory .
18 The report , from a correspondent in Bangkok , stated that this was the first occasion since the Vietnamese withdrawal from Cambodia in September 1989 [ see pp. 36881-82 ] that Vietnamese forces had been used in anything more than an emergency capacity .
19 The ruling , by six to three , was the first occasion upon which the Court had authorized states to ban the private possession of pornographic material , a right previously protected by the First Amendment .
20 Abe 's arrest was the first occasion on which a serving Diet member had been arrested on bribery charges since the Lockheed scandal of 1976 .
21 The conference , which included all 10 of the country 's provincial premiers , representatives of the federal government and territorial and native leaders , was the first occasion on which the predominantly French-speaking province of Quebec had participated in direct constitutional negotiations since the collapse of the Meech Lake accord in 1990 [ see pp. 37519-20 ] .
22 This was the first occasion on which such a figure had been published by the Chinese authorities .
23 The rise of the Nevilles and the Percies in the late fourteenth century was the first occasion when families of genuine northern origin came into the front rank of the nobility — one may exclude the duchy of Lancaster from any such comment , because it was closely connected with the royal family and also held substantial lands in the Midlands and the South .
24 One child is particularly proud of his work : it contains many letters , large and boldly formed , and this was the first occasion that he had written anything since arriving in the school .
25 It was the third occasion on which Wingti had become Prime Minister .
26 This was the 10th occasion on which Congress had requested the appointment of a special prosecutor , and only the first on which it had been denied by an Attorney General .
27 By March things had settled down sufficiently for the DCAC to mount a mass demonstration which successfully traversed the original 5 October route — this time without diversions , but this was the last occasion on which the DCAC was able to organise a peaceful mass demonstration .
28 The Non-Proliferation Treaty , however , was the last occasion when the British sat at the top table to discuss nuclear questions with the superpowers .
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