Example sentences of "was derive from the " in BNC.

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1 The picture of the universe as a mechanical affair of matter in motion did not originate , but rather was painted afresh , in the seventeenth century ; it was derived from the atomic theory of the ancient Greeks , Democritus and Epicurus .
2 This weak growth is reflected in the CIA panel 's forecast for the industry 's sectors ( see table ) although , Freeman added , this was derived from the CSO 's production figures , which appear to be overestimated .
3 The circular plan was derived from the hospital tents of the Crimea , where improved ventilation helped reduce the risk of cross-infection .
4 The form of astrolabe used in medieval Europe , however , was derived from the Muslim type found in Spain .
5 The term ‘ continuation school ’ was derived from the wording of the Education Code of 1862 which defined the Evening School as one providing ‘ not secondary , but continued elementary instruction ’ .
6 It is well known that the belief in citizenship was derived from the writings of T. H. Green , the Oxford Idealist philosopher , who more than any other figure made the connection between philosophy and educational theory and practice .
7 An understanding of ‘ god ’ which was derived from the timeless story of evolution and life experience , and not from the results of the mindless suppression of the products of developing intelligence , would be a treasure indeed , and the very important first step in the establishing of this ‘ god ’ is the full acceptance of the premise that no such ‘ god ’ is already in existence , nor ever has been .
8 The word ‘ turnpike ’ was derived from the pike or bar which was lifted to let vehicles pass .
9 One famous theory was derived from the ideas of the popular astronomers Sir James Jeans in England , and T.C. Chamberlain in the United States .
10 Her name was derived from the Latin root mens ( thought ) .
11 The plough-witches often wore women 's clothing , which was derived from the mummers ' plays where an old woman called Bessy , accompanied by the fool , was the central character who carried the money box .
12 This in turn was derived from the word ‘ ecu ’ which meant a shield , or in this case , a shelter .
13 On the lower part of the northern Hebrides Slope and in the basin plain of the northern Rockall Trough the debris flows are buried beneath a cover of mud that was derived from the glacier front , together with drop-stones that melted out of icebergs drifting in the area .
14 Incidentally , it was many months before the whole truth was discovered and much proof was derived from the flight data recorder .
15 The model for protein G used to fit the density was derived from the structure of the same domain solved at 1.1Å resolution ( J.P.D. and D.B.W. , manuscript in preparation ) .
16 The same point can be illustrated from the solid profit which was derived from the expanding royal protection of bishoprics .
17 There is no need to argue that Genesis was derived from the others , as critics of the Bible have hastened to do .
18 The Honeywell H200/2000 range of computers ( Honeywell 1965 ; Flores 1969 , pp. 194–227 ) , which was derived from the IBM 1401 , provides similar but enhanced facilities .
19 Alternatively , the profit was earned by the exploitation of property assets and arose or was derived from the places where those assets were when sold or licensed and remain ; all outside Hong Kong .
20 Of course , if and in so far as the power was derived from the Crown as the fountain of justice : see , in a different context , Lincoln v. Daniels [ 1962 ] 1 Q.B .
21 Whilst Hobbes described the rational structure of such a concentration of power and developed it into a veritable philosophy of power , Locke , taking up the challenge , demanded that the exercise of this power , although it was derived from the ultimate and unified source of all power the people remain divided by virtue of a fundamental decision .
22 The Bogomil heresy , which first appeared in Macedonia during the tenth century , was a disruptive force not only to the Byzantine Church but also to those rulers — Bulgar , Serb or Byzantine — whose authority was derived from the spiritual sanction of the Patriarch of Constantinople .
23 The term was derived from the Greek oikos , referring to the operations of the family household , and it seems that Haeckel intended his readers to visualize a kind of global organic economy in which all species played a part .
24 It is suggested that it was derived from the hauling of boats along the river and that it was from this place that manual hauling of boats along a tow path began , but in all fairness I think this can be discounted .
25 Although much of its data was derived from the payroll system , the Personnel System operated separately ( see figure 3 ) .
26 I shall be returning to these topics below , but at this stage it should be stressed again that the rather more re fined and flexible view of literariness that I have just outlined was derived from the founding principles of Formalism .
27 This was largely as a result of Eliot 's own initiative ; and what we knew of it was derived from the works of Jacques Maritain , which were largely the source , I suspect , of Eliot 's own knowledge .
28 Such information was derived from the computer usable form of the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary .
29 In the case of relaxations that occurred before common cavity episodes , the reference basal UOS pressure was derived from the 10 seconds before the onset of the common cavity episode .
30 For relaxations that occurred during common cavity episodes , the reference basal UOS pressure was derived from the UOS pressure values during the common cavity .
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