Example sentences of "was prepare for a " in BNC.

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1 By 1984 the government , however , was prepared for a lengthy coal strike and refused to compromise .
2 Michelle has an abundance of waist-length hair and although she was prepared for a radical cut , Patrick recommended keeping the length but blunt-cutting it to a clean , straight line : ‘ You do n't have to have mountains cut off to look different , ’ he said .
3 Bread never went mouldy in Algeria , which meant that so long as I was prepared for a good chew , I could always buy enough to last to the next village .
4 He was prepared for a battle if the porter turned out to be as difficult a customer as his wife .
5 A design brief was prepared for a flyover followed by advertising to recruit interested consortia .
6 Guidance on conduct and ethics generally was prepared for a revised edition of the Guide to the Professional Conduct of Solicitors , and a complete new set of accounts rules came into force in June 1992 .
7 He could see she was preparing for a party .
8 That Bukharin was preparing for a struggle with Stalin at this point can not be doubted and he was attempting to drum up international support among other parties of the Comintern .
9 It showed the leader board and then switched to the seventh where Krantz was preparing for a long approach putt down the kidney-shaped green .
10 His eyes were unreadable but a small pulse at the edge of his lips was preparing for a dismissive smile .
11 At zero six hundred hours the following morning Captain Trentham gave them a full briefing : they were to be transported by ship to Boulogne , they learned , and after ten days ' further training they would be expected to march on to Etaples , where they would join their regiment under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Danvers Hamilton DSO , who , they were assured , was preparing for a massive assault on the German defences .
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