Example sentences of "was among [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The suggestion has been made before now that it was among the Basques that this future rebel against the king of England learnt his what were , for the time , dangerously democratic principles .
2 He accepted a position in a dealer 's gallery , where Matisse was among the artists who benefited from his judgement .
3 The flower named after the explorer was unveiled at the British Rose Festival at Hampton Court where the Queen was among the visitors … the striped bloom is n't unique … but it is unusual … but how they get it remains a well kept secret .
4 Adam must have got it from him , Lewis sometimes thought , or perhaps ( he much later and very bitterly thought ) a similar pedantry in Adam was among the things Hilbert liked about him .
5 Much has been said above about what the king demanded of his people : justice was among the things they demanded of him .
6 Also , as a means of diffusing his own publications , this time through advertisement , he was among the backers in 1788 of the first evening daily , the Star and Evening Advertiser ; it created a precedent in offering a copy service to others .
7 Gilts lost around £3/4 Goal Petroleum was among the oils to improve , up 1p to 85p .
8 A BRITISH pilot was among the officers who helped destroy Somali armoured vehicles after coming under fire , it was revealed yesterday .
9 Of all the contenders Armiger is certainly best placed to impress , as he is already a Group One winner and was among the favourites for the Derby until injury forced him out of the Epsom showpiece .
10 In November 1444 he was among the knights in the English party which went to France to witness the proxy wedding of Henry VI with Margaret of Anjou [ qq.v. ] , and is mentioned as a participant in the dress rehearsal of her royal entry into Rouen in 1445 .
11 It is made in Sardinia , too , and Crete , and for collectors of useless information , poutargue , or botargo , was among the dishes served at King James II 's coronation feast .
12 The prison-building programme was among the casualties .
13 Edinburgh 's Lord Provost Norman Irons was among the councillors who opposed their use of the City Chambers .
14 Three days afterwards , a group of men from the Belmont camp out hunting for some gamefowl for their supper , strayed into an ambush : this time , the prizes were more valuable , for Philip Ingledew , Tom 's fourteen-year-old son , was among the hunters .
15 The Scottish stand-off , who was among the Lions replacements , was forced to parade , bouquet in hand , from behind one set of posts to the red carpet on the half-wayline as chaperone to Mireille Mathieu , the French songstress who had just rendered all three verses of the Marseillaise ( with the chorus repeated each time ) .
16 The leader in this initiative was the Spanish canonist Cardinal Arcadio Larraona , patron of Opus Dei , and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was among the signatories .
17 Once again Nora was among the leaders .
18 David Cornish , a ship 's stoker , was among the members of his ship 's crew captured by the German raider Manyo Maru and was kept in the raider 's hold for five weeks on black bread , ersatz coffee , fat , margarine and jam while the raider roamed the seas attacking fresh victims in the Indian Ocean .
19 Cranmer was among the members of the Council who took refuge with her in the Tower and then capitulated to Mary .
20 Not surprisingly , Pye was among the members secluded at Pride 's Purge ( December 1648 ) .
21 This was among the failures , along with Renoir 's red-chalk studies , Jawlensky 's ‘ Variation ’ , and two dark Mueller lithographs .
22 However the king-emperor allowed his wife , Isabella of Portugal , in 1526 to have a chapel of Spanish and Portuguese musicians and it was among the instrumentalists of this body , which was taken over by Philip II when he became regent of Spain in 1543 , that we find the innovators : the blind organist Antonio de Cabezon ( C. 1500–1566 ) , who was one of its original members , the clavichordist Francisco de Soto ( c. 1500–1563 ) , who joined soon after , and Luis de Narváez ( d. after 1555 ) , a player of the vihuela de mano ( the Spanish lute ) who was recruited by Philip .
23 When Charles I 's Attorney-General sought to reclaim the long-lost Forest rights of his master , Crown , this group of returns was among the documents he triumphantly dug out of the records of the Exchequer .
24 Towards the end of the campaign the PS changed its tactics and was among the groups which refused to participate in an anti-Le Pen rally in Paris on March 18 .
25 Rufus was among the bookcases in Hilbert 's study .
26 Bishop Peter has been bishop of Gloucester for just eight months and Prince Charles was among the guests at his enthronement in April .
27 Chris Pearson , Director , South of England and Private and Offshore Banking , was among the guests and also present were the winning teams from the 1991 and 1992 London Region Product Knowledge Quiz — Holborn and Great Tower Street .
28 While the table shows that the worst graduate unemployment in 1984 was among the arts ( other than languages ) group , it also shows that scientists were more likely to be unemployed than either social studies or language graduates ( social studies here includes business , accountancy and law ) .
29 Former Prime Minister and leader of the Umma party Sadiq al-Mahdi was among the detainees released under an amnesty announced by Bashir as he opened a " National Conference on the Political System " in Khartoum held on April 29-May 2 .
30 " Now El-ahrairah was among the animals in those days and he had many wives .
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