Example sentences of "was sit at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Swear when he was sat at the top of the stairs shivering he looked so thin .
2 She was sitting at a table in the recreation room with her relatives round her .
3 He was sitting at a carefully chosen table with the magnificence of Princes Street stretching out through the window behind him .
4 She was sitting at a littered table with two noisy West Indians in colourful pullovers and a jaded , almost middle-aged fat lady with a fur coat .
5 Nell was sitting at a table with a fortyish couple who she later told me owned one of the horses in the box-car , a dark bay called Redi-Hot .
6 Sheridan Lorrimore , who was sitting at a table apart from his parents , demanded I bring him a double Scotch at once .
7 A few months later I was sitting at a table opposite three Foreign Office officials .
8 Mike Dawson was sitting at a dead computer , strumming the keyboard and offering a toothy smile to an invisible audience .
9 A man was sitting at a desk , typing , another stood by a filing cabinet .
10 Conway 's secretary , Marie , was sitting at a desk .
11 An old man with white hair was sitting at a table .
12 Five minutes later she was sitting at a small table at the back of the dining-room , hidden from but within full hearing of the noisy bar .
13 He was sitting at a corner table with an English girl called Rose Franklin .
14 Doctor Stevie was sitting at a table having an early lunch .
15 The photo had been taken indoors and in poor light : the boy was sitting at a table , his head resting on one hand , a candle flickering nearby .
16 The man he was looking for , a Greek , was sitting at a table outside a cafe , deep in conversation with three Arabs .
17 Mandy was sitting at a table with other staff , all of them laughing and having a wonderful time .
18 ‘ They sent me out to do a match report and while I was sitting at a desk typing it up , Captain Bob appeared in the office , attracted by the presence of television cameras .
19 Geoffrey himself was sitting at a small desk .
20 Unbeknown to him , Mr Bill Muirhead of Saatchi and Saatchi , one of Mr Major 's key strategists , was sitting at an adjacent table and heard every word .
21 He was sitting at an angle which allowed him to watch the door .
22 A man was sitting at an open window where he could watch the road .
23 ‘ We ca n't work out how he could have killed his wife while he was sitting at the opposite end of the table , ’ said Constable Bewman näively .
24 She was sitting at the table with her chocolate cooling in the mug between her hands .
25 He derived some comfort from Rajiv 's habitual elegance ; wearing a suit , shirt and tie that must have cost two months of his salary as an Assistant Under-Secretary of State , he was sitting at the other side of the large , uncompromising desk that the Department provides for its most senior officials , not a hair out of place and his black eyes alive with amusement .
26 When they reached their table , Clarissa carefully failed to notice who was sitting at the next one .
27 He was sitting at the kitchen table , wearing one of Buddie 's shirts and sipping cocoa from a large cup , when his nanny , Buddie 's mam , arrived at the house .
28 A large bus was sitting at the curb , door open , engine throbbing .
29 One night Modi was sitting at the Rotonde with Rivera , Boris Savinkov , a revolutionary writer , and Max Voloshin , a poet .
30 He was sitting at the bench in the window , writing notes .
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