Example sentences of "is [that] both [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The key common element is that both systems took seriously the possibility that , whatever students were studying ( for specialization had begun in the nineteenth century ) , higher education offered a general enlargement of the mind .
2 The conclusion is inescapable that the reason why the US and UK have illegally rejected all means for the peaceful resolution of this dispute with Libya is that both states know full well that Libya was not responsible for the Lockerbie bombing .
3 As the red blood cell has little cytoplasm , the effect is that both nuclei become surrounded by HeLa cytoplasm .
4 Consequently , all that embryology tells us is that both areas are part of the neocortex .
5 ‘ The good thing is that both boys have had full medicals since we moved to America and the predicted height for both is in the region of 6′2″ to 6′ 3″ , in which case I 'll be very thankful because they 'll be too big for competitive racing .
6 The advantage of this software/hardware combination is that both components are quite simple .
7 Perhaps what makes the M. C. R. / S. C. R. relations in this College work is that both groups are accessible to each other for consultation and , very rarely , confrontation .
8 The point at issue is that both sets of disciplines tend to have different conceptions about the domain and status of proof in the pursuit of knowledge .
9 The quicker you can get around the mast the better , some people even jump , but the main point is that both hands should hold the mast and not the uphaul rope .
10 The most common source of any argument is that both sides are absolutely right but each is looking at a different part of the situation .
11 The kernel of the arms-race idea is that both sides in the arms race are improving from their own point of view , while simultaneously making life more difficult for the other side in the arms race .
12 The point is that both administrations have been willing to risk undermining multilateral free trade .
13 Another area of apparent convergence is that both schools of thought would acknowledge that in some situations parental care is so bad that children should be removed and kept away from their parents .
14 The point I 'm making is that both extracts are written in English .
15 The basic plan for joint honours is that both subjects are taken in the first and second years ; then , in the third and fourth years selected parts of the honours courses in mathematics and the other subject are taken .
16 The first is that both parties to the contract carry on business in a Contracting State ; the second , that rules of private international law lead to the application of the law of a Contracting State .
17 My second recommendation is that both parties think in terms of a return to an independent consumer protection Department .
18 For the purposes of translation , what matters is that both types of analysis recognize the sequence as marked .
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