Example sentences of "is [verb] ensure that " in BNC.

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1 In the long run it is by making efficient investment decisions that capacity is adjusted to ensure that this price also reflects long-run marginal cost .
2 Before a module is accepted by LIFESPAN , its header is checked to ensure that all its constituent keywords are present and that they contain at least the minimum amount of information required .
3 When a module name is first entered into LIFESPAN , it is checked to ensure that the same name has not already been chosen for another module .
4 The root package specified is checked to ensure that :
5 The root package specified is checked to ensure that :
6 The module specified is checked to ensure that :
7 The Detailed Spectrum Investigation process is intended to ensure that everyone should derive maximum benefit from the limited radio spectrum resource .
8 The main safeguards in this area are the Housing Acts , supported by public health legislation , which is intended to ensure that no person should be allowed to live in a dwelling that is unfit for human habitation .
9 Whilst in most cases offenders rarely have the funds to provide victim compensation , this legislation is intended to ensure that if money in the form of literary profits is available , it be preserved for the victim .
10 That construction is intended to ensure that the courts do not substitute their view for that of the administrator just because they believe that a different conclusion would be more reasonable .
11 The wording of the section suggests that this power could not be used to restrict the right to inspect or obtain copies , for example by requiring good cause to be shown thus preventing share registers being used as ‘ sucker-lists , ’ but is intended to ensure that the matter is reproduced in a way which is as ‘ user-friendly ’ as possible without imposing undue burdens on the company .
12 As you will appreciate , the above is intended to ensure that there is no ambiguity about the nature of the planning permission being sought by your client .
13 The programme is intended to ensure that people can make profit out of public service rather than to achieve the goals that we see as important for ourselves .
14 The new directive is intended to ensure that national authorities process toxic substances as close to source as possible , thereby minimising the risk of accidents while in transit .
15 The rule , Rule 15 ( Client Care ) , and the Law Society guide that interprets it , is intended to ensure that the client is properly informed at all times , as to who is dealing with the matter , as to the available complaints procedure and as to how the action is progressing .
16 One thing is clear from the hon. Gentleman 's attitude : were there ever a Labour Government , there would be no review of programmes and there would be no assessment of the way in which help is given to ensure that it is cost effective or of how Government resources are deployed to ensure that the taxpayer gets the best value for money .
17 This is claimed to ensure that all the elements dissolve fully and equally .
18 One of the things that we shall be seeking to do in the negotiations on the political union treaty is to try to ensure that the Commission — at present under no effective control — increasingly comes under the control of the most appropriate Parliament , in this case the European Parliament .
19 If the purchaser is to try to ensure that his is the last counter-offer , so that it will be accepted by the conduct of the seller , the device of sending back another acknowledgement does not work well in practice .
20 Examination of the quality of management decisions is included to ensure that lessons are learnt for the future and to provide data needed for the revision of systems if this proves to be necessary .
21 A trial run along both lines is recommended to ensure that planning is correct .
22 The use of an executive summary is recommended to ensure that the key decision maker is at least appraised of key facts .
23 Mr Bland said last night : ‘ Our scheme is designed to ensure that LWT is in a position to make and broadcast programmes at the weekend from 1993 onwards . ’
24 The junior fisheries minister , Mr David Curry said : ‘ What we have agreed today is designed to ensure that there still are some fish left in 10 years time . ’
25 It involves close cooperation between central and local authorities and is designed to ensure that large scale developments bring the greatest possible benefit to the areas in which they are sited through , for example , the use of local labour and materials .
26 It is designed to ensure that students gain full benefit from the video , and provides a variety of reading material from newspapers and other authentic sources , paralleling the items on the video .
27 An Enhanced Routing/Load Balancing is designed to ensure that system resources are used effectively by intelligently allocating resources and an Automatic Throughput Optimization feature is designed to improve system utilisation , ensure consistent response time and cut overall application development costs in a dynamic workload environment by adding , or subtracting copies of the application to meet current demands .
28 This is designed to ensure that the policing of the demonstration can be properly planned .
29 Taxation is designed to ensure that the losing party only has to pay those expenses properly incurred and is not saddled with the cost of unnecessary or unduly expensive work .
30 The Law Society and the Legal Aid Board have agreed to introduce a Scheme which is designed to ensure that only competent solicitors ' representatives advise suspects at police stations .
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