Example sentences of "it [be] suggest [conj] " in BNC.

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31 However , their results show that this postnatal reduction in receptor levels is less marked in women who suffer from maternity blues , and it is suggested that this may be the cause of the depression .
32 It is suggested that men become addicted to alcohol as a result of two quite different situations at work .
33 It may be recalled that it is suggested that the origin of ‘ -desire ’ could be also the origin of life , and is one of the timeless mysteries relegated to the pre-life period of the story of the universe .
34 It is suggested that it was the great grain stores of the early Egyptian civilization that attracted the local wild cats .
35 There are no critical layout requirements although it is suggested that the decoupling capacitor , C1 , be placed close to the supply pins of the microcontroller IC1 .
36 It is suggested that there are long waves , of perhaps fifty to sixty years periodicity , in the pattern of economic development of industrialised societies .
37 Thirdly , it is suggested that other organisational devices , which we discuss in more detail in Chapter 6 , are also used by management in order to extend their control over labour .
38 In Jakob Grimm 's Teutonic Mythology , it is suggested that the tradition originated from Woden or Odin , the principal god of Germanic pagan religion , but the image also has parallels with the four horsemen of the biblical apocalypse .
39 If the order is to be disrupted it is because one of the younger sons shows remarkable promise but being a ‘ family ’ anxious to demonstrate tolerance , envy and jealousy are masked and can certainly be dissipated if it is suggested that the elder brothers had a hand in the development .
40 It is suggested that , as in the US , this should be a means of injecting share capital into a company without going through the formalities of a share issue .
41 It is suggested that applying losses to the preceding three years on a ‘ first in , first out ’ , rather than the existing ‘ last in , first out ’ , basis would decrease the possibility that companies are not able to carry back losses to periods in which profits were made .
42 Sometimes it is suggested that as the principal amount will never be repaid there is no need for the balance sheet to reflect a liability in respect of the debt .
43 The lack of liquid refreshment during a two hour meeting could be seen as a lack of courtesy and , if this occurs again , it is suggested that a tactful reference to the need for a drink be made during the meeting — the result may be only a glass of water , but that is better than nothing !
44 It is suggested that the taking of medical advice and careful consultation with the employee concerned are essential before coming to a final decision on the matter .
45 A sign in a Zurich hotel says : ‘ Because of the impropriety of entertaining guests of the opposite sex in the bedroom , it is suggested that the lobby be used for this purpose . ’
46 One unit was composed of many more buildings than the others and it is suggested that it represents a social difference with specialist activities taking place there .
47 Some of the later pairs ‘ display a great variety and experimentation in the arrangement of motifs drawn from a widespread stock of artistic ideas ’ ( ibid. , p. 36 ) ; it is suggested that this may be the result of craftsmen working together in a workshop .
48 Here , it is suggested that symbols such as words and gestures are introduced and initially learned as devices to mediate interaction .
49 In order to obtain a profile which summarises the child 's grammatical strengths and weaknesses , it is suggested that the teacher or therapist carry out a total of eight scans of the transcript .
50 It is suggested that this might indicate those sounds which will be most suitable as a target for subsequent intervention .
51 For pre-school children , it is suggested that the BPVT might be used as a screening instrument to identify children who may require some form of special or compensatory provision , and as a way of indicating a child 's readiness for reading .
52 It is suggested that each subtest is scored separately and no overall test score is obtained .
53 Any variations from the target sentence are counted as errors , and it is suggested that these are recorded so that they can be analysed prior to intervention .
54 On this basis , it is suggested that the test offers a valid way of screening for linguistic disorders .
55 ‘ He is swinging in the tree ’ ) , and it is suggested that the extent to which a child shows sensitivity to one or other of these kinds of distraction may be useful in terms of assessment and the planning of intervention .
56 Here , it is suggested that a score of +10 or -10 points should be regarded as a discrepancy and worthy of further assessment .
57 It is suggested that the framework is sufficient to allow for the definition , within it , of an honours degree course in Electronic Publishing and that the time is ripe for such courses to begin to appear .
58 In starting a negotiation it is suggested that one has a clear plan from the start identifying :
59 It is suggested that it is helpful not to emphasise the problem or disability , as some old people are reluctant to face their inability to continue to cope independently .
60 Building on the recognition that families have repetitive patterns of behaviour it is suggested that a social worker joins a family group , by listening to each individual in turn .
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