Example sentences of "it [verb] [adj] advantage " in BNC.

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1 If these problems can be overcome , it offers two advantages that chained overflow record handling does not .
2 Firstly , harmonisation of national policies , especially in areas where it offers obvious advantages , e.g. labour mobility .
3 Moreover , if we explore the course of English Literature , if we consider from what source its stream has sprung , by what tributaries it has been fed , and with how rich and full current it has come down to us , we shall see that it has other advantages not to be found elsewhere .
4 It has other advantages as well .
5 It has two advantages .
6 It may be wondered why this doctrine is retained , but it has great advantages for both the major groups involved — the ministers and the civil servants .
7 It has many advantages over the traditional ‘ Winchesters ’ with a lower centre of gravity and a carefully controlled flow of glass within the mould so that there are no weak spots or pressure-vulnerable areas .
8 But it has many advantages over other holographic transform methods .
9 Although this second method is the more complicated to administer and requires that we have at least a rough idea of the size of the primary sampling units , it has some advantages that become obvious when we recall that several primaries are generally sampled :
10 As a foundation material it has numerous advantages : it is strong , does not lose its shape and can be spun into strands sufficiently thin to allow fine weaving .
11 As an interpretative category , it has important advantages over other social models that we might wish to use .
12 Population regulation , however , if it has any advantage at all , can only be a long-term one ; it must therefore be a consequence of individual decisions to emigrate , taken on the grounds that conditions will be better elsewhere , not on the grounds that the population level must be kept down in order for the local resources to be conserved .
13 It is difficult to see , however , that it has any advantage over the leadership approach .
14 Before the advent of molecular genetics , screening of newborns in the United Kingdom was generally regarded as ethically unsound because no treatment was available ; it offered little advantage to the family other than the possibility of terminating all subsequent male fetuses , more than half of whom would be normal .
15 It took full advantage of its opponents ' weaknesses .
16 It had many advantages .
17 It had one advantage of which we were aware .
18 The slide-car was as old as history yet it had one advantage : the farmer could carry loads on gradients where it would be dangerous to take a wheeled cart .
19 It had three advantages over the submarine system : British launching aircraft already existed whereas the submarines did not ; the American content of the total system could be reduced by manufacture under licence in the United Kingdom ; and the Americans were likely to tie the purchase of Polaris to the mixed-manned Multilateral Nuclear Force that Eisenhower was keen to foist upon NATO .
20 Another indicator for the future of the book is a growing commitment across all age groups to lifelong self-improvement and a recognition in influential groups such as government and the media that the role of the book is not purely commercial , and that it conveys other advantages to society and must be regarded accordingly .
21 ‘ Unless you did it to gain some advantage , of course . ’
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