Example sentences of "to be send [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't know exactly what we have up there , or what stuff we are likely to be sending up in the next few years … but I 'll take side bets on orbital weapons , either ready or in the pipe-line . ’
2 Texan Steve Wyatt is also said to be sending along something .
3 Where they repairing client , where there is hopefully an extremely good relationship , we felt that that was a bit dangerous to be sending out a form to the Chief Executive of saying what er do you think of the service .
4 Already equipped for this the fire brigade provided tarpaulins and arranged for more to be sent round .
5 A CLUSTER of top-grossing movies are due to be sent up in new spoof National Lampoon 's Loaded Weapon I. The team responsible for Animal House have signed up Emilio Estevez to star in this send-up of Lethal Weapon , Silence Of The Lambs and Dances With Wolves .
6 By mutual consent they had n't eaten out , Ace arranging for meals to be sent up to the apartment from the Italian restaurant next door .
7 ‘ Did Master Ruthven go down to the kitchen or buttery or ask for any victuals to be sent up ? ’ asked Catesby .
8 The hotel had its own high-class shopping area , and it took only one telephone call to arrange for an assortment of clothes to be sent up .
9 I will arrange for all our research information on various locations to be sent on to you as soon as possible .
10 She said that she was waiting for some of her belongings to be sent on , but she 'd supply all her tax and National Insurance details as soon as they came .
11 The housewarming dinner was arranged for Sunday 23 July 1797 , and on the day before , Coleridge scribbled a hasty , high-spirited note to Tom Poole asking for a promised fore quarter of lamb to be sent over to ‘ the Foxes ’ in the morning .
12 Crane driver , television tubes , light bulbs , do you know these bulbs er , they used to come er , we used t they used to be made here , they used to be sent over to Holland and the brass bit used to be put in and the element inside and they used to go over there in cardboard boxes all loose and there used to be hundreds of them broken , they did n't , they did n't worry about it , as long as they , they reckon that as long as they get twenty five percent a hold they were satisfied and they were just in ordinary boxes , no paper in or nothing , just all loose .
13 Has a whole army to be sent out to search for you whenever you 're needed ?
14 Writs for the holding of the regard in forests such as Sherwood , Galtres , pickering , Inglewood and Rutland continued to be sent out from the Chancery during the fifteenth century , but the Forest Eyre , which would have punished offences revealed by the regard , had now almost fallen into desuetude .
15 SELDOM SEEN : The ‘ Where is Gerald Kaufman ’ jokes backfired on the Conservatives when Mr Chris Patten called for search parties to be sent out only five minutes after the Shadow Foreign secretary had appeared at Labour 's morning conference .
16 A tender list of six firms was prepared in accordance with Standing Orders , but on the day they were due to be sent out , Mr Holdsworth was instructed to add a seventh .
17 Two ground plans were to be sent out by Austin .
18 She expected to be sent out with a flea in her ear .
19 In his concern , Jesus pleads for workers to be sent out into the harvest field .
20 Mrs Thatcher agreed to allow the Report to be sent out for consultation , but asked for one alteration .
21 Activists quickly arranged for publicity material to be sent out so that news of the Changsha situation reached other major cities as well as the outside world .
22 I 'll need dog-handlers immediately and they 'll have to be sent out to Pontino , there 's no need for them to check in here first — the girl they released is in shock .
23 3 A specific list can be prepared from this list every time information needs to be sent out .
24 However , if photographs are to be sent out they must be captioned .
25 Thus if you want the news to break at roughly the same time the material will have to be sent out at intervals appropriate to the lead times of the publications concerned , and there is always the risk that the nationals will hear of the item and decide to publish it .
26 If the shot is to be sent out in black and white the colour must be ignored and the shot viewed in terms of tones of grey .
27 It encouraged the tendency for uncoordinated initiatives to be taken at different levels of the diplomatic hierarchy and contradictory signals to be sent out to foreign powers .
28 An appropriate set of product communications needs to be sent out at the very earliest opportunity and more expensive , albeit more responsive media , such as a telephone , should be brought into effect .
29 Letters to be sent out to local firms as per list .
30 A 1 million b/d ‘ strategic ’ pipeline had been installed so as to enable the southern fields ' production to be sent out via the northern pipeline system through Syria , or the reverse ; as it later proved , a sensible precaution .
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