Example sentences of "to the main [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are little tricks , for example , if it 's a time clause , when you think to yourself oh God it 's one of those lists , you sit down and calm yourself , take a Valium or whatever it is and just apply yourselves to that , right , what the next point is so the first thing I want you to do is stop at this time clause , when you realize it 's a time clause I want you to go trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot to the main verb , alright ?
2 At the end of the woodland on the left there 's a gap in the hedge leading to a path which ascends to the main ridge track .
3 The prevalent westerly winds on the Norfolk coast are probably of considerable importance in this connection , as once the end of the island starts to recurve , they will tend to build up the laterals roughly at right angles to the main ridge .
4 This able and likeable man was admirably adaptable to circumstances and had something of an eye to the main chance .
5 A fish with an eye to the main chance .
6 Certainly , there remain some domains of research which are disinterested , but the incentive to have an eye to the main chance grows .
7 How dared he speak to her as though she was some trollop with her eye to the main chance !
8 We carried on for a few more yards , then retraced our steps down to the main level and back out into the sunshine .
9 Parallel cracks form where the soil is patchy or irregular , or the ground sloping ; on flat ground lesser cracks appear at angles to the main system , forming irregular polygons .
10 After the games session , Bodie went to the main school building , and spoke with the headmaster , in the main study , which overlooked the front playing grounds .
11 the , the the green erm coats when they er , when they go up to the main school .
12 It 's not quite as far to the main school , cos the main school goes first and the prep school far , no there 's no up that road , it does n't go anywhere only to the school .
13 He gave the scientist instructions on how to return to the main part of the school .
14 So let us turn to the main part of Culver 's book , and see whether his hopes are substantiated .
15 Pope climbed a flight of stairs to the main part of the house .
16 There will be a great welcome for the fact that there will be discussions with Richard Green and others who have kept Rathlin linked to the main part of Northern Ireland all these years .
17 A number of extensions to the main part of the study are also proposed in this section , including some suggestions as to how the kind of activity outlined here might be integrated into creative writing programmes .
18 Why not , my wife says , knock a hole through the boys ' bedroom wall , pinch a three foot six strip off it and make a new landing passage and extend the walk-in cupboard , forward to take up the old landing and sideways to build a space out to the main part of the stairs .
19 Ahead of them stairs led up to the main part of the palazzo , where most of the interior had been renovated and the air smelt strongly of paint and plaster and sawdust .
20 ‘ We now look forward to the main course this evening . ’
21 GCE passes in four subjects — at least one subject should have been passed at ‘ A ’ level ( after enrolment , candidates offering ‘ A ’ level and mature student qualifications must undertake a BTEC approved conversion programme before they are admitted to the main course ) ; or
22 Have the lighting some distance away from the table , otherwise all your food , and you and your guests , will be covered in moths , mosquitos , and midges before you even reach to the main course .
23 In spite of promising prospects for the future , it has so far been a complementary course , to be undertaken in addition to the main course of study .
24 The Activities Book , although linked to the main course , may be used for an independent programme of practical study .
25 We also have six student-trainers , whose training programme runs parallel to the main course .
26 Florence fennel ( finocchio ) is the vegetable fennel with a bulbous base to the main stem .
27 One possibility being considered is for solar power to be used to pump downstream water back up to the main reservoir , so restoring the head of water needed to generate hydro-electric power .
28 One is to enter a drama at an oblique angle to the main issue .
29 The CPP dismissed the NLM claims as irrelevant to the main issue : early independence for Ghana .
30 This brings me to the main issue .
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