Example sentences of "to phase [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A campaign to prevent the closure of Edinburgh 's dental school ended in failure when the Universities Funding Council announced its intention to phase out the school 's grant from next autumn .
2 Gradually you should be able to phase out the tangible reinforcers when tantrums are no longer a major part of her repertoire .
3 In June 1990 , 70 nations signed an agreement — the Montreal Protocol — agreeing to phase out the use of all CFCs .
4 Quoting reseller sources briefed by the company , Computer Reseller News is looking for Sun to phase out the ELC and Sparcstation 2 to make room for new Tsunami-run IPCs and IPXs .
5 A more radical proposal is to phase out the allowances over a five-year period , again with the commitment to use the increased revenue coming to the Exchequer to cover cuts in the standard rate of tax and increases in child benefit .
6 Our recruitment fell disastrously in 1976 with the consequence that a College decision was made to close the department and to phase out the courses that had been developed .
7 A whole succession of international agreements have come into being since then , including the Montreal Protocol to phase out the manufacture and use of ozone-depleting chemicals ( such as CFCs ) and the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species ( CITES ) , which has played a significant role in helping to protect some of the world 's rarest flora and fauna .
8 During its final meetings in 1978 , the Further Education Sub-Committee of ACSTT considered the implications for the major centres of further education teacher training of the DES decision to phase out the Certificate of Education as a qualification for teaching in schools .
9 In return , the EC undertook to phase out the pesticide over a five-year period .
10 The Mercantile 's switch to Klea 134a is another step in a growing trend to phase out the use of CFCs which is required by 1995 under a world environmental agreement .
11 This will happen regardless of the efforts made to phase out the use of chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) , which are responsible for depletion of the ozone layer .
12 All countries bordering the Mediterranean except Albania have agreed to phase out the use of organophosphate pesticides , which are hazardous to human health and the environment , by the year 2005 .
13 * The Canadian government is to phase out the production and import of all chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) no later than the end of 1995 — a year earlier than previously targeted and five years ahead of the current requirement of the Montreal Protocol .
14 The least they should be required to do , without further reluctance , is to announce a firm decision to phase out the drift-netting within five years .
15 ICI strongly supports the Montreal Protocol , an international agreement to phase out the dispersive use of ozone-depleting chemicals .
16 Now the European Community is hoping to phase out the green pound by 1992 , along with the M C A's .
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