Example sentences of "to the same problem " in BNC.

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1 Another objection to the notion of ‘ stages ’ is due to the same problem .
2 Usually the art historical and scientific approaches to the same problem reach broadly the same conclusion , even though it may be necessary to rely heavily on one of the approaches to make sense of the other .
3 As we all know from personal experience , intellect will often come up with two very different solutions to the same problem in two different individuals , or even in the same individual on two different occasions .
4 We are thus led back to the same problem as before ; although the fact of taking X as end does not justify the decision to do Y , the enjoyment of X which does complete the justification is itself merely a psychological fact .
5 The ability to identify and assess problems , and to understand their effects and limitations on patients can not be learned passively and by rote , if only because no two people respond to the same problem in exactly the same way .
6 Briggs felt he had a mission to bring this approach to the notice of his AI colleagues , who. he said , were ‘ either above looking at ancient approaches to the same problem , or … simply ignorant that such work has gone on ’ .
7 It is not , perhaps , surprising that the solution of the Conservative lawyers in their pamphlet , Rough Justice , to the same problem of unmet legal need was the introduction of subsidies for practitioners operating privately in deprived areas and an extension of the assistance given by lawyers to voluntary advice agencies .
8 No insects and no fish have so far been found to use sonar , but two quite different groups of fish , one in South America and one in Africa , have developed a somewhat similar navigation system , which appears to be just about as sophisticated and which can be seen as a related , but different , solution to the same problem .
9 That comes down to the same problem , that actually
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