Example sentences of "to [be] held [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The appellant , in accordance with her previously announced intention , was about to address a meeting to be held across the street from the entrance to an unemployed training centre , attracting a crowd of some 30 people .
2 It was revealed later that they are to be held outside Liverpool at one of Britain 's four special secure units for child offenders .
3 In its first real move into the Japanese market , Santa Cruz Japan has a well-planned series of seminars ready to be held over the next few months .
4 More random checks are to be held over the next few weeks .
5 All that unpopularity in the country or in the Commons manages to achieve is a revolt by a handful of predictable Tory rebels , a few careful speeches about the need to present policy better , and a vague anxiety about the results of an election not due to be held for years .
6 In 1933 a scheme was launched for classes to be held for schoolboys during the autumn term under the management of the Corinthians , the amateur club , with Arsenal as sponsors and Chapman taking classes in basic skills , positional play and training .
7 ‘ As a small library authority covering a very large geographical area , I would arrange for formal internal training programmes to be held for all staff ’ …
8 These elections were the first to be held for offices above the lowest administrative level since China became a republic in 1911 and the fist nationwide elections for People 's Congresses since the outset of the Cultural Revolution .
9 Auditions are also to be held for the brass ensemble , the junior brass ensembles and the baroque orchestra courses .
10 This will be the first exhibition devoted to this aspect of Canaletto 's work to be held for thirty years , and lenders will include H.M.The Queen , the National Gallery , the National Trust and many private and public collections .
11 It was finally fixed in place and glazed just in time for a christening and the first flower festival to be held for a while .
12 The terrified inhabitants are either burned or led away with their hands tied to be held for ransom .
13 At some stage during his early career he and his mother Joan were granted the manor of Eastington on the Isle of Purbeck , Dorset , by the priory of Christ Church Twynham , to be held for their lifetimes .
14 Once major strategies have been set , they are likely to be held for some time .
15 Before the end of the 28 days any member or auditor may serve notice on the company requiring a meeting to be held for that purpose .
16 However , deputies ordered elections to be held for the Supreme Soviet in March 1994 , a year early .
17 Under s665(2) , a settlement shall not be deemed to be revocable by reason only : ( a ) that it contains a provision under which any income or assets will or may become payable to or applicable for the benefit of the settlor , or the wife or husband of the settlor , on the bankruptcy of the settlor 's child or in the event of an assignment of or charge on that income or those assets being executed by the settlor 's child ; or ( b ) that it provides for the determination of the settlement by the act or on the default of any person in such a manner that the determination will not , during the lifetime of the settlor 's child , benefit the settlor or the wife or husband of the settlor ; or ( c ) in the case of a settlement to which section 33 of the Trustee Act 1925 applies , that it directs income to be held for the benefit of the settlor 's child on protective trusts , unless the trust period is a period less than the life of the child or the settlement specifies some event on the happening of which the child would , if the income were payable during the trust period to him absolutely during that period , be deprived of the right to receive all or part of the income .
18 Russia 's President Yeltsin has ordered elections to be held for a new upper house of Parliament .
19 Festival organisers also hope for high standard of competition in a new music competition to be held for the first time this year .
20 Festival organisers also hope for high standard of music in a competition to be held for the first time .
21 The limit to which the RCM was prepared to go in this matter was revealed in March 1939 , when Grunpeter was told that his salary was to be held to £2 a week , a sum ‘ which will make it impossible to continue my work at the camp as resident minister ’ .
22 Elections will then have to be held to chose the 300 members of the lower house , to be called the State Duma .
23 It could be believed that God , whatever was understood by God , was equally close to all times and places ; that no particular period , and no particular events , were to be held to be more revelatory of God than others .
24 One response which can be made to the gap which exists between the world in which Christianity came into being and the present world is to allow what is to be held to be essentially normative for the religion to reside in the past .
25 It is said that if the Logos is to be conceived to be in some sense male , then equally the Spirit is to be held to be female .
26 It would be wrong to treat this case as a decision on the application of section 6. which was clearly not in the court 's contemplation , but it may be permissible to comment that if an offence of this kind is to be held to be sufficiently serious to justify a substantial community service order , the scheme of the Act , with its albeit clumsy attempt to raise the public perception of the severity of community sentences , seems destined to failure .
27 He argues that in the absence of diminishing returns to production of the intermediate or final good , or some element of product differentiation at intermediate or final levels , or the need for a firm 's intermediate product division to be held to being competitive , then vertically integrated firms will not participate in the intermediate good market .
28 Does this make the Treasury bill unsaleable , and therefore have to be held to maturity by the current holder ?
29 It is planned to be held as an annual event until the end of the decade .
30 Enterprise zone property trusts are established to be held as an investment for a very long period ( usually 25 years ) and as Capital Ventures warns : ‘ You may have difficulty in selling your investment before realisation of the underlying property … ’
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